Wednesday 14 March 2012

WIP Wednesday, again!

Can you believe it is Wednesday again?  I feel as though I had a good sewing week.  Though I didn't finish anything per se, I did make some noticeable and noteworthy progress on a few projects!
Recap:  I managed to sew extra Mod blocks to make the quilt bigger, I sewed all the small sashing bits onto the blocks (see picture) and I will attach the long sashing momentarily.  I resolved my dilemma and did a test run of what the name badge will look like for my (secret) recipient of the name badge swap for the Fat Quarterly Retreat.  I can't share it with you yet - but soon!!  Also, I have decided on what I will make for the sample swap for the FQ retreat as well.  Plan A has been hatched (also a secret, for now).  I have to make four of the same thing to exchange at the retreat with a mystery partner.  How cool is that!!??  And daunting... Quilt Dad is in the group. 

I am sooo close to being done...
I also got the grass cut, chopped a thorny thing down, pruned a whispy thing, and tidied up a hedge in the garden - so I got a few WIP's crossed off in the 'garden' department too!  The weather was so nice that I couldn't help myself.

Pottery class update - I shall add a comment here when I return later tonight!!  Fingers crossed my large smooth coil pot turned out...  I always go to class with a small amount of anxiety and trepidation, wondering what I will find. 

And best of all, I did some shopping which also crossed a couple of things off one of my lists!  I visited The Village Haberdashery's new website shop = scrummy!!  Several metres (phew - not yards hahaha) of fabric later, I now have a selection of solids on its way to me so I can start sewing blocks with 'Sew Into Solids' group, and I also bought the fabric for my Noodlehead 241 Tote bag.  I am a happy girl.

One more thing - GIVEAWAY!!  The Village Haberdashery is having a giveaway - check it out over on Canadian Abroad's website.

On that note, have a great day and I hope you managed to finish a WIP this week.


Kelly said...

The quilt is looking good! Thanks for reminding me about the giveaway :)

Anonymous said...

the blocks look great! I've also been shopping for solids at Annie's, too delicious to resist!