But, I'm stubborn so have persevered and have kept trying paper piecing and you know what? I like it. I like it a lot!! And though there are loads of patterns out there far beyond my current skill level, I'm happy to stick to the fun ones for now :)
And this leads me to tell you that Kristy from Quiet Play is SUCH a clever pattern writerererer person!! I was lucky enough to be a pattern tester for her this week and I made her Seam Ripper pattern. See how the orange piece is the piece that will be 'ripped' out! hahahaha
My WiP list is still quite huge. Here are just the quilts on my "to-finish" list:
- Mod Sampler quilt
- Wonky Log Cabin quilt (two bees)
- Arrow quilt (bee)
- Wonky Oakshott/Kaffe Star quilt [two Flickr members still have my fabric and don't seem to be active anymore - any advice what to do to get my fabric back??]
- Amy Butler Happy Hour quilt
- Wonky Houses and Tree quilt/wall hanging?
- Wonky Scrappy Star quilt
- Great Granny quilt
And yay - I am ready for the London Modern Quilt Guild Christmas decoration/ornament exchange this weekend. I hope my secret partner likes what I've made [one of these trees may or may not be what I give!!!].
Yes - more paper piecing!!! I love these trees! I made a 4th one but sent it on its way to another ornament exchange. Exciting stuff!! They are each only 3.5" tall so they are nice and light for the tree branches.
I still have to finish my poor pompom snowman - he is still just three balls of cotton yarn. I finally bought some orange felt so there is no excuse to get him done!!
Ok - gotta get back to sewing!! Linking to WiP Wednesday.
Your seam ripper pp is so cute, perfect for any sewing space mini! :) Glad you stuck with it and persevered! :)
I'm still a paper piecing virgin but I am going to give it a go - I looked at the seam ripper block and thought the seam ripper was real so you've convinced me!
Hi Amy Well done for getting over your fear of paper piecing! I have done it before but I am not a huge fan. Perhaps I should give it another go! I love your tree decs. Very nice and I am sure they will go down well. (By the way, I am commenting as 'Quilt Candy' but we have met before, I am aka Sarah Sews - QC is my new blog and website, just so you know :-) )
I am *most* impressed. And it doesn't even look like a willy ;-)
Woo hoo! Love the seam ripper block, go you!
I love PP, and I got to test the ruler block :) am going to border it and put measure twice, cut once and turn it into a mini. I loved the seam ripper too but didn't think I'd have time, you've done a great job on it.
Well as I sat next to you at Retreat I know that the PP was a challenge for both you and me but it looks as if you have conquered it. Perhaps the UJ pillow will be easier now if you revisit it. You are doing well on the 100 day hustle. Di x
Wow that's clever, I'm so impressed!
You have been very industrious Amy! Love your paper piecing. I have to finish my LMQG ornament too - erk.
Way to persevere, Amy! Your seam ripper block looks great!
i like your tree ornaments
Love the paper pieced seam ripper. So cute! And those ornaments are adorable. Great week for you!
You did a great job and what a cute seam ripper.
Congrats on learning to paper piece! Now that you've figured it out, it will be fun. This is such a cool block!!!
So glad you persisted with paper piecing! You did such a great job on the seam ripper block - thank you for testing it for me!!
Don't look now, but ... you may be officially "hooked" ... :) You stuck it out and found out how to make it work!
I LOVE your "orange" mistake in your block ....
Looking foward to see what you make down the road!
Did the other two members not respond to you when you asked them to mail it back? I'm still holding out hope that they are just behind, although I may be wrong. One said a couple of things that makes me think she has something of an attitude . . . but maybe that's just the written word versus spoken. :)
BTW, your seam ripper looks fabulous! Great job - I still don't know if I could get something that small done correctly!
Wow. The sky's the limit with your little block. I like what you have so far. Curious to see what you'll decide to do with it. I could see other sewing implements joining in...thread, scissors, etc.
Haha!! I love it - a seam-ripper block in paper piecing. Perfect. :D I love paper piecing, too. You can get the most amazing results that would be a real PAIN in traditional piecing.
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