August was fun. We actually had summer here in the UK! Amazing, I know! It sure feels like fall [aka autumn] now though - that cool night air wafting in through the window over me while as I was snuggled in my bed is a promise of cooler temperatures and that fresh smell of leaves in decay. I love fall!
What shenanigans did I get up to in August?
My favourite thing from the month has to be the feather block! I could look at that all day! Not sure what to make from it though - any suggestions?
I hope you had a good month!
Linking to
Fresh Sewing Day
Great mosaic and lovely feathers! Maybe a pillow cover?
How big is the feather? I think it would make a gorgeous pillow :)
So many great things to love, Amy! The feathers, natch! But I also love the trivet, the bird, the trillium etc! Good month's work!
You've been so super busy! I love love love that feather block - pillows get sat on so I'd be tempted to make it a medallion and built a wall hanging around it. Such a great block and the colours are beautiful!
Busy, busy as a bee that's our Amy! Love it all I made a few too and I like to look at them but don't want them to get messed up so I will watch what you do. Everything is just beautiful!
Do you ever sleep? It is all gorgeous!
Oh, I LOVE all of your creations. Those feathers are gorgeous, I can see why they are your favorite.
The feathers are really beautiful - great job! I think you could turn them into a great pillow or maybe a great tote? I love the crow (or raven?) block as well! Your projects look terrific! Congratulations on all your finishes.
You've been very busy, and I'm particularly taken with the pin cushion!
Thanks again for it, sorry for being a bit of a muppet yesterday and confused - I really thought it was for the swap xxx
Great month Amy, make more feather blocks and make a quilt? (probably not the suggestion you were looking for!)
What a lovely month you've had! I love the feather block but am not sure of the size - could you make it into a panel for the side of a pouch or tote bag?
What a lovely projects! Love the colors in it!
another great month! Love the feathers, could be a cushion or the start of a quilt?
another great month! Love the feathers, could be a cushion or the start of a quilt?
another great month! Love the feathers, could be a cushion or the start of a quilt?
Love that second one down on the right - what's that? Don't remember seeing it before.
Beautiful feathers. I love the colors you chose. :)
WOW, what a gorgeous month, love your feather so much!
Wonderful mosaic! You had a gfab month :)
You could make me a gorgeous feather cushion! I'd love it! Teehee!
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