Saturday 16 March 2013

I am the Walrus... Ostrich actually

I hate change. I hate doing research too.  I am the Walrus, googoogajoo...  Actually I am an ostrich.  I would have waited until July to make the big switch when Google Reader gave up on us all but it seems everyone is switching over now.  So, instead of looking at all the options, I have decided to blindly follow the majority and start using Bloglovin' too.  Please follow me!  I went with the .com instead of the of my blog address as it seemed to already have followers so I hope that is the right thing to do??!!  Anyone know if that was right or wrong?

[EDIT:  press the button on the sidebar at the top right follow my blog]

Press here to follow my blog with Bloglovin'!

Thanks everyone!! 


MetroQuilter said...

I'm confused....will take my head out of the sand and work out what to do...

Janine @ Rainbow Hare said...

I just switched too! I don't even know if I'm a com or a uk! Your in my list so you must have imported from google reader :)

Joanne said...

I switched to Bloglovin too, but have no idea if I'm .com or !!! Its all far too complicated for me!!

Karen M said...

OMG, I have missed out on this trend. Does this mean that if I dont' re-follow you I won't see your posts in my reader? Technology has really gotten just beyond my reach and understanding.

Di said...

I have followed your lead and bitten te bullet too! Di x

Kathy said...

Yeah this is hard to figure out ---I am switching to Bloglovin too. When I did it transfers my google to bloglovin so is it really necessary to click again---besides when I do click on your links both of them say error not found---aaaccckk

Tammy said...

I follow mos to fmy blogs by email. I just wish everyone offered it. I do have some on feed and some on blog lovin only cause those don't offer following by email. But They are fine. No problems with blog lovin

mtnquiltr said...

I'm confused, will this affect the blogs I follow with Google Friend connect? I don't want to lose you!

Vicki said...

When I clicked the link it didn't take me anywhere...I will try copying and pasting it.

Swedish Scrapper said...

Okay, me too-- I would totally wait till July, or maybe June to do the switch. I don't even Use Google Reader, as I love the Dashboard already. However, I'd really hate to lose my fave blogs, like yours, so I'll join the crowd now too. I was able to hook up by using a link and Facebook to search for other bloggers.....? Still many more to add to the fold. Happy Sunday!

Gina said...

All will be fine . I've been using bloglovin all this time to follow you Amy ! They are great and easy to find favourite blogs with them ....people will find you !

LJ said...

I've heard that in Bloglovin's conditions (and I interpreted it that way, too) that they can make available/sell? our email addresses to third parties. Anyone have more info on that aspect? I'm also considering "Feedly" instead of Bloglovin. I'm going to hold off for a bit longer and do more research before I make the switch - but before the July 1st deadline!