I have been trying to decide which work in progress/unfinished project will be my February goal. I think I have decided it will be my Mod Sampler quilt. This is an Oh Fransson pattern and I started it over a year ago! Ooops - I guess it really is high time I got it finished!!
What has been the hold up for me? BASTING. Yup, I absolutely hate basting! I simply don't have the space here in the cottage so I tend to procrastinate and set things aside instead of just getting it over with! Oh and my quilt back needs another strip on it to be big enough and I'm afraid LAZINESS was the hold up there.
So, all (hahaha) I have to do to finish my Mod Sampler is to:
1) add some fabric to the backing
2) baste it
3) quilt it
4) make the binding
5) bind it
6) label it and
7) wash it and dry it
So, not much to do then!!
Linking up to Fibre of All Sorts for the February goal linky party.

Basting is the worst~! And I don't even do big quilts so I can't imagine how hard that must be.
Basting is one of the chores in quilting that is not one of my favorites either..... And I just use safety pins!
Your quilt is beautiful. I love the colors. Can't wait to see more of your quilts!
Thanks for sharing.
Amy it will be totally worth it though, think how proud you will be.
I love all of the colours!
I've always loved the look of this quilt. Hope to see it soon, good luck with the basting.
Isn't it funny how we get mental blocks on getting things done, and basting is yours. This looks lovely, and it will be gorgeous onces it's all finished. : )
where do you do your basting? I have a lovely floor you can borrow ;-)
Oh I am so with you about basting - hate it! If you do yours then I will do mine (the biggest quilt top I have ever made still waiting to be basted) :)
I have faith in you Amy!
Since you finished your January goal, I am sure you will get to this one too! It will be worth it, it looks beautiful.
i'll swap your basting with my cutting fabric any day. I'm looking forward to seeing the finished quilt though
You will do it! Di x
Tour quilt looks great can't wait to see a photo of the finished quilt.
I don't mind basting at all, now, because I spray baste with a very high end spray that doesn't gum or clog my machine. I can baste most quilts in 1/2-hour to an hour. It's so much easier.
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