Wednesday 13 February 2013


OMG  I am so excited!  

I've just signed up for Handprinted: a fabric swap III.

 Handprinted: a fabric swap III

Press HERE for the details.


heart of charnwood said...

Oh wow, that looks absolutely fabulous, I really want to join in, but the send date is the date we move, maybe I could do some early practise, and hopefully some of them would be ok. I ned to have a little think about it. : ). Soooo tempted.

Gina said...

Thanks Amy . That is the first I've heard of that swap . Seeing as I've just done a one day workshop on screen printing ......I think I can manage to print 4 fat 1/4 s ! It's going Tao be fun !! Whoo hoo .

Gina said...

That auto correct annoys me ! Tao = to be !

Indianna said...

I'm being tempted too!