Last night, just before I went to bed, I sketched out two placemats. The inspiration came from the two pieces of printed 9x9 inch scraps of fabric I had (one of cutlery and the other of tea cups). I paired each print with a few coloured fabrics and left them on the sewing desk. Changed a colour this morning on my way out to work and then I was ready! So, tonight at about 7:30 pm I made the first one, making note of the dimensions of each piece. Finished it in 50-55 minutes as I had no pattern and I was doing it improv-style. Took a tv break and just made the second one in about 35-40 minutes. Hopefully tomorrow night I will complete them. WIP Wednesday!!
Purple, orange, mauve shot cotton and green shot cotton |
Navy, red, turquoise, orange and mustard yellow dots |
Hey Amy,
I am replying to you in your comments as your blogger profile is set to no-reply, so I couldn't reply to you directly by email from your comment. You may want to change your settings! Anyways, you had left a lovely comment about my hockey quilt, asking for a pattern. I have not written one as of yet, but as I have had many requests for it over the year, I have it on my to-do list for the upcoming months! If you would like me to contact you when it is ready, send me an email and i will add you to that list. Thanks for your compliments!
Kristie at OCD
What great placemats! They are always fun to make!
Quilting by the River
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