Sunday 6 April 2014

Canada eh?

Hello - I am Amy the Canadian from Canadia.  Ok, from Canada really but someone at work called it Canadia over four years ago and it stuck!

Guess what?  I have booked a flight to Canadia!  I will be visiting family and friends in the Ottawa Valley region in late June/early July so if anyone wants to meet up please let me know!  I am so excited! 


Leanne said...

I think I will miss you, I am going to Ottawa at the beginning of June. I hope you have the best time!

Sooli said...

I'm from Australia but my step-daughter is married to a Canadian guy. He is affectionately known by us as 'the man from Canadia' (picture that with a kind of superhero emphasis and it sounds better!). He and Kymberley went on a trip to Cambodia and found a building with a sign over it saying 'Bank of Canadia'!

M-R Charbonneau said...

Heck ya! I was hoping this post was going to say that when I saw the title. The last OMQG meeting for the season is June 23rd. Will you have landed yet? If not, we'll just have to figure out how to get together another way. Yay!

Anne-Marie B. said...

Yes! Count me in! I am a member of the OMQG also! I would love to meet you!

MetroQuilter said...


Leanne Parsons said...

Want to make a stopover in small town Newfoundland? Would love to meet, but we don't plan to leave the Rock this summer. Enjoy your vacation here in Canadia!

Mrs Flying Blind... said...

Make sure you come back! xxx

Canadian Abroad said...

Exciting, but I'm so jealous. It has been almost thirteen years since I've been back.

moira said...

Canadia kicks ass! #ivegotthetshirt

pennydog said...

Well I'm hoping my job will be on the allowed immigration list by then and I'll be partway to moving out that way!

Strawberry Patch said...

I think I'll have to settle for seeing you next time in in London :-( but have a great time!

LethargicLass said...

I am totally looking forward to it!!