Friday 7 March 2014

Crafty shenanigans

Some crafty shenanigans have been going on over here at my house:

I made a few funky jars to store schtuff.  I wonder what I should put in them?

Can you tell I am procrastinating?

Happy crafting!


mammafairy said...

Oh put bright and pretty things in! Buttons and ribbon and that sort of cheery stuff!
Love those dinos!

Jo Jo said...

These are amazing! You could put in some Mini Eggs, sorry, dinosaur eggs, for Easter :) Love them!

DeborahGun said...


Kristy @ Quiet Play said...

Those are so cool!

the running hare said...

Great dinos!

mumasu said...

Wow, just so cool and funny. I luv 'em. When I was on a PTA we used to fill jars with little things for raffle prizes and these would just be perfect.

LethargicLass said...

those were so worth the procrastination LOL!

Anne / Springleaf Studios said...

Your jars made me laugh and reminded me of when my daughter painted some little animals all white.

moira said...


Charlotte said...


Keera Job - pattern co. said...

Oh how fun! Love the Dino's!