GIVEAWAY CLOSED ~ Sarah is the winner!
Welcome to Giveaway Day!!!
GIVEAWAY CLOSED ~ Sarah is the winner!
Welcome to Giveaway Day!!!

I have two giveaways for Giveaway Day!
You are currently on the SUPPLIES giveaway [Giveaway #1]
Click HERE for the HANDMADE ITEM giveaway [Giveaway #2]
Thank you for visiting me today! Happy Monday to you too! I want to have a fun giveaway and I hope you will enter!
One winner will receive: a Tula Pink 'Crown Jewels' quilt pattern, a pink seam ripper, a pink pocket mirror, a thumb/finger pincushion with three pink pins, a pack of elastic, a pack of pocket tissues, a notebook, pink hotlips sticky notes, three pink fabrics [pink mirror balls FQ, Sun Print Text in Hot Pink 22" x 5" approx, and Tanya Whelan 'Grand Revival' fabric from Free Spirit 22" x 44" approx] plus three tiny safety pin charms. Close up:
Want to enter? Great! I know it is a lot of pink but it is fun, right? Here are the details:
- Leave a comment on this post - any comment but if you are feeling funny, tell me a joke!
- Open internationally - yay!
- Second entry if you are a follower - woohoo!
- Wordpress people -- please leave an email address as you are often 'no-reply' bloggers.
- Draw will close on Friday December 13th and the winner will be emailed and announced soon after.
P.S. Please feel free to enter my HANDMADE ITEM giveaway AND visit Sew Mama Sew for the list of all the other people participating today!
1 – 200 of 454 Newer› Newest»Sorry, I stink - not too great with jokes :) but I am feeling festive. Thanks for a great giveaway!!
I follow!
I´m feeling great! The snow has finally come :)
I follow you via bloglovin :)
I do love pink!
I am a follower!
You can not go wrong with pink!!
I am a follower!
I'm in! THank you!! yeyioasis@yahoo.com.ar
I follow you on bloglovin! yeyioasis@yahoo.com.ar
Thanks for the lovely giveaway
I follow u
Alright, this is a child's riddle, but I'll play! :) What kind of stories do ships like? Ready - Ferrytales!!! Sorry. :) Have a great day!
I am also a follower. Thank you for a chance at this giveaway!
I'm a follower, naturally :)
I am totally sucky when it comes to jokes....darn it! Thanks for the giveaway!
Already a follower via BL :)
Pretty Pink Prize :)
Thank you for the chance.
I am happy to follow you on blog lovin. Merry Christmas. crystalbluern at onlineok dot com
The snow is deeper than my mini pinscher (little dog) can handle, so I get to carry him out to his favorite space to do his business, then he has to cuddle to get warm afterward. Not funny, but this is my life in a snow storm. Merry Christmas. crystalbluern at onlineok dot com
This is a pretty giveaway prize!! Thanks for the chance!!
I follow you via Bloglovin'!!
What did the mayo say to the fridge?
Shut the door, I'm dressing!
I follow via bloglovin!
Gorgeous Pick for a giveaway!
No good with jokes but thanks for the chance to win
I am your follower on bloglovin
You can never have too much pink in your life.
I am a follower
I can't tell jokes to save my life, but I do like pink!
I'm a follower via GFC
Oh, those pink fabrics would be just what I need for my half hexies. I'm a quilter, and that's no joke, I can tell you. Greetings from Santa Claus by the North Pole.
Oh, and I'm your follower too. Great!
2 giveaways?! Amy, you are too generous! As you know I'm all about pink at the moment so this is perfect. Thanks for the chance. :)
Sorry, I'm not the greatest joke teller. Always screw up the punchline. ;)
Yep, I'm a follower. Thanks Bloglovin'! :)
Yep, I'm a follower. Thanks Bloglovin'! :)
I follow you on blog loving.
How do you stop a rhino from charging?
Take away its credit card. boom boom.
what an awesome giveaway! I love pink. Thanks for the chance
I'm a follower via the old reader
Thanks for the chance!:D
I'm a bloglovin follower;)
Love the pink theme of this giveaway.
Following on Bloglovin.
Gorgeous giveaway, love the pink! Thank you, Amy!
Where do fish keep their money? In a river bank. ha, ha, ha (not really).
I follow you on feedly.
Where does the general keep his army?
Up his sleevy!
I follow by email. Thanks for a lovely pink prize!
What did the monkey say when the general cut off his tail?
It won't be long now.
I follow by email kmcassie@gmail.com
What goes POOF today? Our mail! Great giveaway!
I do follow!
Thanks for this great giveaway opportunity. I LOVE Tula Pink and your pink notions are just too cute.
I follow through Google Friend Connect.
I am a blog follower. Thank you for the 2nd chance to enter.
I am not a comedian. Horrible at it. I never get them right to retell. SO I never do...I leaves the jokes up to the kids and husband. Great giveaway. Love all the pink item's.
Thanks for the great giveaway.
Not a joke, but a funny saying: The early bird may get the worm, but the second mouse gets the cheese.
I'm a follower with Bloglovin'. Thanks again.
Instead of a joke, how about a poem that is appropriate for the weather, at least where I am. When my son was young, he thought this was hilarious, so that made me laugh.
Snowball By Shel Silverstein
I made myself a snowball
As perfect as could be.
I thought I’d keep it as a pet
And let it sleep with me.
I made it some pajamas
And a pillow for its head.
Then last night it ran away,
But first– – it wet the bed.
I follow your blog.
I just enjoy reading your blog...very interesting/exciting/so vibrant...thanks for the gorgeous giveaway..
I was never good at remembering jokes at all, so I will say Merry Christmas.
smjohns63 at yahoo dot com
I do follow, thanks again!!!!
smjohns63 at yahoo dot com
What's orange and sounds like a parrot?
A carrot!
I follow by email
Oh how fun to have a color theme for a giveaway...saving this idea for future use. :) Love the pink!
I follow via email!
I follow
I haven't had a coffee yet and can't think of anything funny! : ) sorry .
some of the jokes are soooo funny, NOT. I juts wanted to say I follow your lovely blog and love your style. Thank you for putting out these lovely items to giveaway.
What did the Atlantic Ocean and the Pacific Ocean say to each other?....Nothing, they just waved!
I am a happy follower on GFC and BL
Oh boy! I never remember any jokes! I am the perfect listener. Always laughing even though they are oldies! Sorry!
I follow you vÃa Bloglovin!
I am an email follower. Thanks so much for sharing. Have a wonderful holiday season
Merry Christmas to you and your family
Thank you again for this new giveaway, that's lovely too
I am from Italy so I don't think it's okay to translate a joke, we have a different sense of humor
Bloglovin' is my following method
Why do pirates wear camouflage underwear? ...
To hide their booty!
i am the worlds worse joke teller, so i will not punish you by telling one. i really love the pink fabric. thank you for a great giveaway
i am a happy follower of your blog via email. babscorbitt@gmail.com
Pink is my favorite color-no joking. Thanks for the great giveaway.
I follow through GFC/Bloglovin.
Have to share this true story: it's very cold here, and about 5 a.m. I jumped as several coyotes began yipping and howling right outside my window. Yikes! We live on the outskirts of town, but I've never heard them so close. Right on the doorstep!
I am a follower - look forward to your posts.
A steak joke is a rare medium well done ;)
im a very happy follower
ohh our elf left us a joke this morning, What did mrs claus say to santa when she looked up at the sky, looks like rain dear !!! lol
Pink? I have two little girls - I can never have too much pink!
Of course I follow x
What did the reindeer say when he saw Santa Claus?
Answer: Nothing...reindeer can't talk.
Thanks for the sweet giveaway :)
Happy Follower :)
What cries and wobbles?
A jelly baby!
Did that even raise a smile?!!
I follow through Feedly.
Why does your mind go blank when asked to come up with a joke? Anyway, I love your sweet giveaway. Thank you for the chance to win x
I am following you on Bloglovin
I can never remember the punch lines so no joke from me! Great giveaways though!
Follow you on Bloglovin
this would make the sweetest quilt!
adding you to my feedly feed right now!
Amy you always do such thoughtful giveaways - I'm using lots of tissues right now (and that isnot a joke!). Best joke from the children - what's brown and sticky?
A stick!
I'm a follower via feedly - thanks
I am not feeling funny today, more cranky, sorry. Thanks!
Oh I've been looking for that mirror ball but can't be found in stores here...and so much to ship! Thanks for the chance!
Awwww, pink. I wore so much of it when I was little, I eventually swore it off. But, with a 3 year old gal, it's back in my life. :)
What made the tomato blush?
It saw the salad dressing
Why can't your nose be 12 inches...because then it would be a foot. :) Thank you for the chance to win.
Your giveaway is pink and sparkly...i LOVE pink and sparkly!!!
No good with jokes! But I love pink!
I don't have any jokes but I can tell you I am not ready for Christmas and that is no joke ;-0 Thanks for the chance.
I follow by GFC and by email as well.
Gah! I wasn't going to play the giveaway day this year - just feels so stressful to me somehow. But I LOVE all the pink so I just can't resist this one!
And for a joke ... what do you call a cow with no legs? Ground beef.
What do you call a dog with no legs?
Doesn't matter, he won't come to you anyway.
An oldie, I know, but I'm not good with remembering funnies. :)
Gah! I wasn't going to play the giveaway day this year - just feels so stressful to me somehow. But I LOVE all the pink so I just can't resist this one!
And for a joke ... what do you call a cow with no legs? Ground beef.
What do you call a dog with no legs?
Doesn't matter, he won't come to you anyway.
An oldie, I know, but I'm not good with remembering funnies. :)
Thanks for a chance to win! julia(dot)glotova(at)gmail(dot)com
my bank account is a joke, does that count? :)
I am a follower :)
I already follow with GFC.
I am rubbish at jokes but thanks for a great colour coordinated giveaway.
Jokes most definitely aren't my thing. Love to laugh at them, can't tell them probably because I can never remember them. Thanks for a great giveaway. Love it.
I am no good with jokes. I am usually the one that doesn't get half of them anyway ;). I love all that pink though. bashfulhal(at)hotmail(dot)com
Follow on GFC bashfulhal(at)hotmail(dot)com
Follow on GFC bashfulhal(at)hotmail(dot)com
I am only good w/ silly jokes! lol like this - What do elves learn in school? The Elf-abet
Thanks for the fun giveaway!
I follow w/ GFC!
I'm not really a good joke teller, but I did tell a story last night that my friends found funny. When my sister was little, she was in my dad's shop and there was a large cut off drum of oil that he had drained out of a truck. She was walking backwards and fell into the drum of oil. My sister had LONG platinum blonde hair when she was little and she and her hair were COVERED in oil. I'm not sure how my parents got her into the house and in the bath tub, but I think it took quite a few baths to finally get her clean!
Hey Twinnie! How about this seasonal one?
Two snowmen in a field, one turns to the other and says "Can you smell carrots?"
I'm horrible with jokes, so I won't even try. But I will say that the colors of this bundle of goodness remind me of the toothfairy pillow I had when I was a child. Such a good memory - thanks for bringing it back for me.
I'm afraid I only know filthy jokes ..... thanks for the chance though
Knock, knock.
Who's there?
Interrupting cow.
Interrupting c... MOO MOO MOO ...ow who?
That's one my 7 year old tells me is hilarious.
a duck walks into a bar, says, "gimme some chap stick, put it on my bill"
Oh I LOVE pink! this would be such a lovely thing to win! and for a joke:
what do you call cheese that's not yours??? NA-CHO cheese!
I never know any good jokes. But check this out for a smile. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pMWU8dEKwXw&feature=share
Made me smile anyway.
I follow you via bloglovin'.
Love your blog lovely Amy and you know I LOOOOVE pink! Love seeing all your projects and WIPS too!
Do you have 11 protons? -Because you are sodium fine... :D
Also a follower!
Pink! My FavorITE collloooorrre. As my 2 year old would say! Thanks for the giveaway.
Sorry, I'm too tired to think of a joke (or anything else for that matter). Love the items you've selected for the giveaway :)
I thought I was already a follower, but I definitely am now (through bloglovin).
love your blog, thanks
lovely package. Thanks for sharing!
I can't think of any jokes, but I really love the prize. Thanks for the chance.
I am a follower.
What did Mrs. Clause say to her husband as the watched the sky?... "Looks like rain, dear." (rein-deer) hehe
Thanks ;)
And I follow!
Thanks for the chance to win!
Why was the baby strawberry crying?!
Her mother was in a jam!
Love all of the pink! Thanks for the chance to win!
Love the pink!
WOW! I love all that pink..Thank you for the chance to win it. Love your blog, you are so creative.
I follow you by e-mail.
I am not that great with jokes…I'm sorry! But I love the pink theme of the giveaway!
Had a letter returned the other day. It was marked "insufficient address" probably because I had stamped it, put on my return address and forgot to address it! Imagine! Thanks.
cuuuuute bundle. I love pink, I'm in! Thank you so much! I don't have a a good joke because my 8yo is already asleep, but here's my 4yo's joke of choice (I don't need him here to remember it, ahem):
Knock, knock
Who's there?
Tuba who?
Tuba toothpaste! A ha ha ha ha ha!!! (You have to do that.)
Thanks! I'm sorry, I have no joke for you tonight. :(
Very nice giveaway. Thanks!
I've been in pj's entering giveaways ALL day!!! :)
I follow with gfc. Thanks!
And I'm a follower. :) Via Feedwrangler and Mr. Reader on my iPad.
The only joke I have requires someone to say "I'm stuffed." Then I respond, "So life-like who's your taxidermist?" Makes me laugh, even if no one else does.
No Jokes, I am really not funny!
I follow by email
Knock Knock
Who's there?
Adelia who?
Adelia the cards and we'll play snap!
Sorry, I only know kid jokes. Thanks for the chance to win.
I'm bad with jokes in English as it isn't my mother tongue. The bundle is great! Thanks for the chance!
I'm a follower of yours on Blogger.
Really love these giveaway, thank you!!!
Hugs from Italy Chiara
I'm terrible with jokes but my kids are full of them:
What's green with red spots?
A pickle with measles!
Oh my gosh - I don't know many jokes. At all. All I can think of is the classic: Why was 6 afraid of 7? Because 7 8 9
I am now following via feedly
uummm I think you made this giveaway just for me - I LOVE pink ! thanks so much for the chance to win so much gorgeous pink ! I'm hopeless at remembering jokes but luckily I can sew :)
I'm following you now - I'm going to do the Sew Kitschy BOM over at Kristy's as well !
What a generous giveaway! Thanks for the chance to win!
I'm a follower! Thanks for the chance!
I fell asleep mid comment. - that's pretty funny!
Merry Christmas =)
Love the pink. I am expecting a new grandchild early in the new year and although the gender is a surprise still I am secretly hoping for a girl to even up the grandson/granddaughter ratio a bit!
Oh my!! My bff is having her first littkw baby this week...she is having a girl and this pattern would be beyond perfect!!
Thanks for the chance to win! Merry Christmas!
So girly! Loving these! Great excuse to girlyfy my sewing nook. ;)
And sorry, I'm not really the funniest here, never get any further than sarcasm...
I love the Tula Pink pattern and would really like a pink seam ripper.
I follow via bloglovin
Something funny....I'm a 56 year old Southern gal who just moved to Montana and coping with understanding what the '-' in front of the temperature means.
I love that pink bundle of goodies!
I follow via The Old Reader
Thanks Amy!!
I'm too cold to think of anything funny - the boiler has broken down and the engineer can't fix it until Friday!!
I'm a cold follower!! See earlier comment!
Feeling great - but don't have any good jokes! Enjoy your giveaway!
What a lovely bundle of goodies... I haven't had enough coffee yet for a joke I'm afraid! Thanks for understanding. ;-)
This is such a lovely offer - thank you, and Merry Christmas!
What's brown, furry and wears sunglasses?
A coconut on holiday!!
(Sorry - it's my 5yo's favourite)
I'm also a follower via email.
Loving the give away, now let me think of a joke . . . the ex husband? lol. Love the blog x
I follow on bloglovin
Very pretty prize! I have always loved that Tula Pink pattern! Thanks for the chance to win!
No jokes today It's freezing and my teeth are chattering to much to tell any lol
want to win......
What do you get when you cross a Christmas tree with a Mac computer? A pineapple.
" you may not have lost all your marbles, bu thtere is a definite hole in the bag"
and you can check this pinboard of things that make me laugh: http://www.pinterest.com/jayapratheesh/they-make-me-laugh/
thanks for the giveaway!
That is a lot of pink, but still pretty :) Thank you for sharing all this bounty with us!
I don't have any great jokes, but I do love pink! Fabulous giveaway!
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