Thursday 29 November 2012

Addicted to Text

Happy post came the other day - an awesome stack of 5" charms from the Addicted to Text - UK Charm Swap.  Thank you to the lovely swap mama Charlotte [Lawson and Lotti] for sending out our wee parcels!!  And a HUGE thank you to everyone who participated because we now have some rockin' charms!! 

First, I wonder what the chances were for these two charms to be cut the way they were and then to be sent to one person?  The sewing gods were favouring me that day - how lucky am I!!???

Ok - back to the main event!  I now have 28 prints (2 of each) = 56 awesome charms which are mostly 'low volume' so maybe I have a low volume project on the horizon?  I have been staring at them and drooling!  This picture is rubbish but I hope you can imagine how wonderful these are?

I will leave you with one question - what should I do with the two yellow newspaper charms shown at the top!!??  Answers on a postcard please! 


Leo said...

well no comment then on the 2 prints and where do you want the postcard to go to?

Those print charms look great. How about making a very plain old "boring" charm quilt by sashing each chamr in a "frame" - frame all your prints that way they show off - or quarter them and then "randomly" assemble them back making sure you don't have the same quarter in a square at the end.

Aye yes I know it's easier to have ideas if the fabric is not yours - and you don't have to make a decision. Great Swap!

✾Jamie Lee Cooley✾ said...

Too funny!

Kristy @ Quiet Play said...

Ahahaha! That made me literally laugh out loud! Too funny!!! Does the Victorian one come with a bustle?!

No suggestions whatsoever on how to put them together (I'd probably use them in paper piecing!) but thanks for the laugh!

Gertie Pye said...

Ha ha! I don't know what project would be good for your charm squares but you do have to make one!

M-R Charbonneau said...

That's awesome! Those babies need to be fused together on something!

Francine said...

Your happy accident is AWESOME lol..color me jealous!

Francine said...

Your happy accident is AWESOME lol..color me jealous!

HillyFilly said...

Sadly you are going to lose the impact in the seams but the fusing idea would be good if you trimmed some off from the other edges... Sashing like Polaroids could be fun!

Di said...

Lovely charms but be careful where you place the ASS charm! Di x

Charlotte said...


shame about the seam allowances. Maybe you should frame them and hang them in the living room

thorngrove said...

LMAO! Serendipity strikes again.
You definitely need to make a seat cushion cover out of those. :-)