I shall start today with my Zakka Sewing Kit with little Pin Cushion that I made a week or so ago which I will link up for the linky party! I loved making this project. It was easier than the Pencil Case but just as awesome! I'm still having fun playing around with what I can put in the pockets!! It fits quite a bit in there, doesn't it!? Have you made yours yet [Kelly]?
This weekend I spent some time sewing something off my 'to do one day/WiP/UFO' list but it isn't ready to show yet so hopefully it will be ready in a couple of days or so. That's if the heating is working! I was inspired to get cracking on this project by Kelly and Charlotte, so watch this space guys! Fingers crossed I'll get it done for the LMQG meeting!
So today I had the honour of being awarded the Liebster Blog Award - again! And strangely enough, two people nominated me today, at separate times. This means I'm a three-time award winner (I love the sound of that - greedy or what)! The lovely Ashlea Tenner Quilts and the lovely Handmade by FarahLin were the nominators. Check their blogs out - there is definitely some major awesomeness going on :) Thank you FarahLin for also adding an extra person to her list when she realised I received this award a couple of months back! And Ashlea nominated 10 people, so in the spirit of 'pay it forward', I will nominate some deserving blogs for the award too!
So, what is the Liebster Blog Award you may ask? I shall tell you!
The Liebster award (German for favourite) is for bloggers with 200 followers or less.
As a recipient of the award, you have the chance to thank and link back to the
blogger who gave it to you as well as pass it along to five other deserving blogs.
I now have the privilege (for a second time) of selecting five blogs in return that I think deserve this award. This is really tough because I follow some fantastic blogs - and so many of them are newbies like me!! So, here are just five of my favourite blogs (who also have fewer than 200 followers) so I hope you stop by and check them out! In random order:
- Fiona at Finding Fifth
- Anna at Six White Horses
- Kathryn at Needles and Pins
- Colette at Colette Moscrop
- and the Swedish Scrapper
1. Thank your award presenter on your blog and link back to him/her.
2. Copy and paste the award to your blog.
3. Present the Liebster Award to 5 blogs that you think deserve to be recognised.
4. Let them know by leaving a comment on their blog.
5. Have faith that your followers will spread the love too!
2. Copy and paste the award to your blog.
3. Present the Liebster Award to 5 blogs that you think deserve to be recognised.
4. Let them know by leaving a comment on their blog.
5. Have faith that your followers will spread the love too!
I'm linking my finish up here:

I love your little sewing kit, the fabric is so cute! I think I'm the only person who didn't photograph theirs with supplies in it! doh!
Hi Amy - thanks for being such a great sport!
Love the cute lining for your sewing kit and a great idea with the fussy cut instead of using rubber stamp. Received my Zakka Style Book yesterday and can't wait to make one for myself...
Hope you have a great week ahead! =)
Love the sewing kit, very cool feature fabric. Looking forward to seeing the bag ;-)
Beautiful sewing kit! Can't wait to see what else you are making!
Love the sewing kit! It makes me want to buy the book! =D
Very lovely sewing kit. I especially like seeing it with your sewing goodies! Deborah
Just spotted your sewing kit on Flick'r and recognised the fabric! I was only wondering yesterday whether you had received the fabric! Lovely to see it used in the kit!!
So cute! I can't wait to get started on mine!
Hello :) Yes, I thought it was the perfect project for those awesome cars!! I blogged about my 'win' when it arrived: http://craftyshenanigans.blogspot.co.uk/2012/03/covered-journal-and-sew-much-more.html and again when I made this sewing kit: http://craftyshenanigans.blogspot.co.uk/2012/04/qed-on-15th-zakka-sewing-kit-name-badge.html
I was thrilled to win and with WHAT I won - still am :) Thanks again!
Love your sewing kit and the fabric you used for it.
What a neat little sewing kit! thanks for sharing!
Why thank you Amy, and fellow Zakka sewist, I accept and have blogged my thanks here. http://findingfifth.blogspot.com.au/2012/04/five-blogs-that-inspire-me.html?showComment=1335421374470#c4694633753014896370
That is a MOST wunnyfull sewing kit!!1 thanks for sharing and inspiring!
The sewing kit is great! Congrats on your blog award!
I found you via Frontier Dreams' KCCO. This is my project of the week: http://likemamalikedaughter.blogspot.com/2012/04/crafting-along-with-needle-and-thread.html
I was a sceptic too!! Well done, have a great week/end and I'll see your Zakka pencil case soon ;)
Wow! I love that cute little sewing kit! Your fabrics are great! Congrats on another awesome finish and thank you for linking up!
xo -E
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