
Sunday 12 October 2014

September 2014 - month in review

September seems like forever ago!  I was busy working on de-cluttering and throwing things away.  The process of letting go of clutter, shredding old files, donating clothes and dealing with the toxic memories attached to 'stuff' has kept me away from my sewing machine.  I am hoping my "sew-jo" will return this month.

However, I did manage three things in September that I am super proud of!
  • Simply Solids quilt top - thanks to a mini weekend retreat with the #nintendoguild at the end of August where I made some advances on piecing this top together, I FINALLY managed to complete the top early in September!  I hope I can get this finished before Christmas.
  • I did some machine applique and made a Kip & Fig fox.  This was for the front of a Michelle Pattern Grocery Bag that I made for my partner in The Fox Swap.  I LOVE his eye and his cheeky grin, and I even love the combination of fabrics I used!  This was a difficult one to not keep for myself!!!
  • Diamonds in Diamonds was a pattern that I tested for the very talented Aylin-Nilya.  I had not used templates before so this was out of my comfort zone but once I started I couldn't stop!  This pattern has so many possibilities - a very exciting pattern indeed and I will be making another soon!  I cut some of my precious Echino for this and I love how it turned out.  Now to make this flimsy into a quilt!

September flew by at lightening speed and I can't believe we are nearly in the middle of October already!  This must mean Christmas sewing season is upon us.  I've made a list of things I plan to sew - have you?

Happy October - and Happy Thanksgiving to my family and friends in Canada.  


  1. I just love your Simply Solids quilt. Happy Thanksgiving! :-)

  2. I adore that Fox! So was he from a pattern you bought? My plans keep getting scrambled by other ideas , and LIFE!

  3. The fox is so cute! And I love the Diamond and Solids quilt too :)

  4. I love the solids top!! Everything is amazing, but that's my favorite!

  5. Gorgeous projects! I wish I lived closer because I love a good sort out and would come and help!


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