
Saturday 11 October 2014

4th Quarter FAL 2014 - ambitious goals!

For the final quarter of 2014 I thought I should keep with tradition and write another long list of things I would like to complete over the next THREE MONTHS!  Three months sounds like a long time but when you are a project-magpie like I am then more things get started than finished!

Here are my slightly (hahaha) ambitious goals for the 4th quarter:

1.  Must make binding, attach binding, hanging sleeve and label on my 4 Things quilt

2.  Make a back, sandwich, baste, quilt, bind and label my Diamonds in Diamonds quilt

3.  Nat's Sew Together Bag

4.  IG Mini Swap Mini Swoon #flossysgroup for swap

5.  Sew Sew Modern 6 sewing machine cover or mini quilt for swap

 6.  Simply Solids Amaranth group bee quilt  - make back, sandwich, baste, quilt, bind and label

7.  HipBees bee quilt - sew 5 more blocks sew into a top, add back, sandwich, baste, quilt, bind, label

8.  Messenger Bag - I have had this on my list for a very long time!!  I need a new bag desperately!!  Wish me luck!

Picture from Michelle Patterns

9.  Grocery Bags for Christmas presents - I have already cut out pieces for five bags in the three different sizes

Image from Michelle Patterns

10. Big Bear - add paws, border, back, sandwich, baste, quilt, bind, label


Linking to The Littlest Thistle
 Finish Along 2014


  1. Good luck, you can do it! I especially love the bear, but really each of these projects is wonderful.

  2. Phew! Great list. Wishing you speedy fingers to get through that lot.

  3. Wow Amy, that's quite a list! . Hoping you get it all done

  4. Good list - very ambitious list! Good luck! :-)

  5. Fabulous list. I love your four things quilt. Also I want to make a new bag, so let's make the next #nintendoguild a bag making day :-)

  6. Luck! I love your words quilt

  7. Wow that is quite a list. Love that low volume quilt and bear!

  8. How have I not seen your four things quilt before? It's stunning! Good luck with everything on your list, I hope the bear is at the top!


Yay and thank you for leaving me a comment!! I may not be able to reply back to each one but please know that I am very happy that you stopped in and took the time to leave me a comment!