Monday 6 October 2014

3rd Quarter FAL - completed 6 of 9

Finish Along 2014 

Time to recap my 3rd Quarter Finish Along achievements.

1.  Oakshott Plaid quilt DONE - with loads of handstitching too!

2.  Kaffe tunic top DONE - bodice made by me and the rest completed by Mamafairy Rachel so if this one is picked I will give the prize to her!!  Sorry for the night-time selfie - I promise to get a better picture for a blog post about it!!

3.  Piranha pyjamas DONE - after some major difficulties, these were finally completed!  Read about it HERE.

4.  Sew Sew Modern 5 big and small items  DONE - I completed an Ellie Travel Tote, an Arrow table runner, a mouse pincushion and thumb pincushion.

5.  Michael Miller project  DONE with some matchstick quilting too!

6.  Simply Solids bee quilt  - all sewn in to a flimsy top.  HALF DONE

7.  Sew Together Bag for Nat  NOPE

8.  A handful of Thumb and/or Mice pincushions for Nat DONE - made two+one mice and a couple of thumb pincushions (not shown)

9.  A handful of tea wallets from Patchwork Please and Displacement Activity NOPE

Six of nine - my best effort so far!   Linking to The Littlest Thistle. 


Sarah said...

6 is a great total esp as you were doing some dressmaking in there. The pjs are still on my list.

affectioknit said...

LOVE the jammies!

~Have a lovely day!

DeborahGun said...

I love your oakshott quilt - I somehow missed you blogging about that. It is gorgeous.

mammafairy said...

All looks amazing! well done this month!

Leanne said...

You did great!

Archie The Wonder Dog said...

I can't wait to read more about (and see more of!) your Kaffe tunic!