
Thursday 21 February 2013

Winner winner chicken dinner

Thank you SO MUCH to everyone who entered my 1-year blogiversary giveaway (which was month or so overdue, oops)!  I love that there are real people out there who actually pop in and read my blog!  Thanks - you have made my day YEAR!!  There were so many lovely comments - I appreciate them all and I am sorry that I didn't manage to reply to everyone!   

So who won?  The winner is Indianna!

 Blogger Indianna said...
I'm your newest follower....though I've been lurking for a while!

Congratulations - I will email you now!

I couldn't have a blog post without a picture so here is one of my 'assistant' who was very kind and picked the winner while I was busy sewing tonight!  [just joking - Jax is clever, but not THAT clever!]

I seriously found Jax sitting like this on the couch!  I DID NOT stage this photo - he really was sitting like that when I found caught him!  What a crazy little fella [I love him].

Happy sewing!!


  1. Congrats to the winner! And Jax is adorable. My dog sits on the couch like a human all the time. I should try to catch him with my camera one of these days.

  2. Congratulations to the winner! Love your dog. I think he was thinking about jumping on Facebook. He looks a bit guilty!

  3. Great winner, because she is a seriously nice person. Yay!

  4. Congratulations Helen on the win! : )

  5. I think we've just discovered the editor of this blog!

  6. Fabulous....lovely surprise thank you.

  7. Am wondering if your dog knows how to delete internet history too... lol Congrats to Indianna :-)

  8. Jax is adorable. Ihave a black and tan& white dappled miniture dachshund. Congratulations to the winner

  9. Vof Jax! Well done - I haven't tried the computer yet but I do pick our give away winners! x Nero


Yay and thank you for leaving me a comment!! I may not be able to reply back to each one but please know that I am very happy that you stopped in and took the time to leave me a comment!