
Friday 22 February 2013

An EMERALD finish...sort of

I changed direction with my Pantone Colour of the Year: Emerald project.  This new project is what I have created and 'finished'.  Not a finished-finish but a finish none-the-less:

I made a GIANT 'variegated' Aurifil spool of thread.  I used 26 different low volume prints and solids for the background and some Kaffe Fassett shot cotton for the orange parts of the spool.  The green 'thread' on the spool is made up of Pearl Bracelets, some Oakshott cottons, some Kona solids plus a few other remnants that I had.  I wanted a scrappy patchwork style so it looked like variegated thread.  I shall emphasise that more when I do the quilting.  Maybe Aurifil would like to send me a spool of thread that I could use to finish this off!!??  Ha - a girl can dream right!!?

I drew this sketch of what was in my head on Tuesday at work on a piece of scrap paper and started sewing Wednesday night and finished Thursday night.  Not bad going for me considering it was just an idea on paper!!

However... I did a sketch but no real or sensible math to make the project!  I just started cutting fabric and sewing together which resulted in only one (some miracle really) seam being ripped out for a trim so that the 2.5" squares would fit along the bottom of the thread and still line up! I really love the low-volume and text squares. 

My first emerald project will be set aside for another day I guess since I can only enter one into a2(w)'s linky.  I do realllllly love my Oakshott wonky plus mini too:

It will be hard to decide which one to enter!!  I hope to finish both for Monday - fingers crossed that I do :)

Linking to crazy mom quilts.


  1. Love your thread spool!! Really cool. Tweet Mr Aurifil to look at your post!

  2. I agree with Sarah - get Mr Auril on the phone! He's always posting on Facebook - I could send him alink to your post!

  3. Hey that's so cool! There is an Aurifil emerald, but it's more green. But hopefully he'll send you something that goes better! You can enter up to three projects if they fit into different categories. I'm pretty sure mini stuff has to be under 30 inches each side. If your wonky crosses or this is bigger than 30, it can be in one of the quilt categories. Good luck, the spool is super cute!

  4. Love it, agree with the others, tweet him the link.

  5. Love, love, love this and get Aurifil to send you a basketful of thread. You deserve it for this. They will be asking to use this quilt for their trade shows it is so original. Absolutely brilliant.

  6. SPOOL!!!!!!!!!!!! (but they are both fantastic!)

  7. Fantastic and from your own pattern too, makes it even more special.

  8. I really like both of them. The thread is super cute while the modern crosses are very fun to look at.

  9. Brilliant! Both Emerald challenge ideas are great, but I'm totally crushing on that giant spool, Amy. Seriously.

  10. Love the spool thread quilt...very clever!

  11. Love them both, clever you! Hope you can enter them, I really wouldn't be able to choose :D

  12. OMG OMG OMG.. . this is Sooooooooo perfect!

  13. Love the Aurifil thread spool! I also love the wonky crosses though, so I wouldn't be able to choose between the two either.

  14. Oh that is great! I love how you just sketch something and off you go. I recently printed off some graph paper so that I will be able to act on any ideas that come into my head (here's hoping that some come!). I love both projects, but I think the spool is my favourite as it's so different, yet every quilter instantly has a connection to it!

  15. How cool is that spool! I love it.

  16. I love the spool but the wonky pluses really do it for me, the colours are super!


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