
Saturday 3 November 2012

Saturday shenanigans

This morning I finished a little something that I started Thursday evening on a whim.  This is often how I do things - an idea pops into my head about 11:45pm just as I am thinking about going to bed.  Instead of going to bed like a normal person, I start creating whatever it is in my imagination.  The next day or so I work on it some more.  Usually these whim projects end up as WiP's.  Not this one!

This is what I had to get out of my system - a ticker tape 'thing'.  It isn't a 'square' mini quilt so I guess I'll call it a wall hanging.  A ticker tape rainbow wall hanging.

My new ticker tape wall hanging keeping Mr Toyota,
my Zakka message board and my painting company.
This wall hanging has been made using 100% scraps from my scrap pile!  You know those itty bitty bits that I just can't throw away - now on my ticker tape!  ...some of them anyways!  ;)  The grey is leftover from the backing of my Vintage Holiday quilt and so is the wadding!  I added hanging corners at the top so I -- or a secret swap partner -- can hang it up but I think I like it too much to give away!! 

The three layers + scraps (does that make it 4 layers?) were quilted all at once using my free-motion foot.  To hold the scraps in place so I could outline them in thread, I used a tiny bit of gluestick.  I left it overnight so they were held in place and it did the trick nicely!!

Those who know me know that I don't go for fabric rainbows.  I love all the colours IN a rainbow individually or in threes maybe, but not all together.  This project is now my third rainbowy thing in a matter of weeks - my Scrapy Stash Log Cabin quilt [work in progress], my Paramouthy Stitches Tote for Di and now this! 

Dimensions:  6.75" wide x 24.5" long
 Saturday shenanigans for sure!

Linking to Can I get a Whoop Whoop and Aloha Friday!


  1. Amy I think that your rainbow wall hanging is inspired. It is a fab way of showcasing your favourite, precious scraps of fabric. Di x

  2. Love it! And I work the same way...get an idea, run with it, while my husband is asking, "are you coming to bed tonight??" Um, no.

  3. ohhh that's gorgeous, love it all

  4. that's gorgeous!!! Kelly would be so proud ;-)

  5. I'm not typically a rainbow person but this is lovely. It's funny how my tastes have changed through seeing others' makes!

  6. Totally what Charlotte said - I LOVE that wall hanging!!!!

  7. How gorgeous! Now let's see an entire quilt! Only kidding :)

  8. Love it! So bright and cheerful and yay for using up scraps!

    Glad to know I'm not the only one who gets those late night sewing whims!!

  9. This is so fun and colorful! I LOVE how you incorporated all your scraps...this is GORGEOUS!

  10. Cute and bright. I like the shape too. I wouldn't give it away if I were you!

    The glue idea is genius too. Wish I'd done that on my ticker tape. Might not have gone so wonky.

  11. I don't normally do rainbow things either, but I love this one! The fabrics are great! Featuring this in a few at my place!


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