
Wednesday 31 October 2012

October month in review

October is over.  It was 31 days filled with sewing fun [and lots of fabric shopping]!

My favourite item from October has to be my Vintage Holiday quilt - I can't stop staring at it!  I finished it - woohoo!  And I am anxious to get my Scrappy Stash log cabin quilt done too as I think it will become a favourite in our house as well!!  Even with my dozen finishes, I didn't manage to complete all of the bee blocks I should have in October (sorry folks) so this weekend is a dedicated sewing weekend to get those done and in the post!  And [very exciting], I also finished a few items in October that I haven't shown you yet as they are for 'revealing' another day!   I'm participating in the Sew Seasonal Blog Hop and the UR Priceless Blog Hop - so join me in some hopping in the next week or so!

And the best news:  I completed 6 projects (out of 25) from my 100 Day Hustle list and 3 projects (out of 9) from my 4th Quarter goal list.  Happy days for me.

How was your month?  I'm linking to Fresh Sewing Day - check it out and see what everyone else was up to too!


  1. Those are some beautiful projects! Way to go getting so much done! I love your Chirstmas quilt too, and the scrap color blocks quilt is gorgeous! My favorite might be the donkey - he looks ready to kick someone - anyone :*D

  2. 6 out of 25 hustles? That is fantastic progress. The only 'progress' I have made is buying more fabric!

  3. Beautiful projects! Love those log cabins!

  4. Well done and how awesome to get a holiday quilt finished before the holiday!

  5. Love all of your projects, Amy!! Your Christmas quilt is gorgeous, and love the donkeys too. ;)

  6. Wow, what a productive month you had! I love the donkey zippered pouch, too cute!

  7. Some great projects - I really love the birdie tote! So sweet!

  8. One of my favourites is the donkey. Your quilts and crafts are really beautiful Ames.

  9. You did so much this month! I am glad I did not do a mosaic it would look so empty compared to yours!

  10. Great job. You really kept yourself busy and got such much done. I wish I could accomplish so much but with my fabric shop sometimes it leaves me less time to make my own quilts which I really love to do.

  11. You rocked October - gorgeous makes!

  12. Another busy beaver! So jealous that you got to make all those projects. Very impressed!

  13. Wow Amy, you are always so productive - it puts my month of sewing to shame indeedy!


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