With this in mind, I need to get cracking on some of my WiP's, PhD's (projects half done), UFO's, PiG's (projects in bags) and all the other things in various stages of 'done' and sitting in piles all over the cottage! I have participated in the Quilter in the Gap's 2nd and 3rd Quarter Finish-Along linky parties and found it to be a fun way to get thinking about -and working on- my pile of projects. I managed to finish 2/5 for the 3rd quarter (I did sort of try really hard to get my Mod quilt done but just didn't manage it) and 2/3 in the 2nd quarter. "Two" is the magic number for me apparently!!
My 4th Quarter Finish Along goals are as follows:
1. Make more Great Granny blocks and make a small quilt
2. Finish the Mod Sampler quilt [Oh! Fransson pattern] - finish backing, baste, quilt, bind, label
3. Finish my Union Jack full size pillow case from Fat Quarterly Retreat [Lily's Quilts paper pieced pattern]
5. Finish my Girl on a Swing embroidery and make into a pillow
6. Finish my Vintage Holiday quilt... wouldn't it be lovely if I got it finished BEFORE Christmas??
7. Paramouthy Stitches Tote bag for Di -- NO PICTURE, sorry!
8. Finish my Wonky stars #1 quilt - sew top, border?, baste, quilt, bind, label
9. Finish my Pretty Pleats tote in the yummy black and cream Cosmo Cricket polka dot and Flea Market Fancy fabrics - yum!
So there you have it - nine projects that I really want to get done before the end of the year. I have left out my Arrow quilt, my Wonky Log Cabin quilt, my Wonky Star in Kaffe and Oakshott quilt and the Wonky Houses and trees quilt and several other small projects simply because I have to be realistic!! Hahahah - I'm too funny!
Linking my overly ambitious goals to the 4th Quarter on Quilter in the Gap as soon as she tells us the linky is live --> linky is up!!!
Very ambitious list! Good luck with it. I can't wait to see them all done! :-)
When I first come across a blog I quickly scan it and at the end of yours I thought "Wow! So many finishes! Superwoman!!" I just had to read your post again and am glad to find that you are a normal person after all and these beautiful projects are your "to do's". A great list and am looking forward to seeing the finishes.
Now back to my great big WIP list.
as ever in awe, superwoman!
Big list again! Now I am a little worried that the paramouthy stitches swap has dropped to no 7. Lol! You have to finish the Christmas quilt so you can use it this year. Di x
you are going to be busy!
whoa, easy tiger! That is some list. Fingers crossed for some epic sewing
Busy bee!! Love the Vintage Holiday quilt :) I want to make one so bad but I so don't need any more projects right now!
Good luck on all your wips! beautiful items by the way!
Mahoosive list there Amy!!!
Wow good luck with all of that!! I'm sure with a little planning you can get it all done!
I absolutely love your vintage holiday quilt. You've got a lot going on all at once, but I'm sure you'll finish them up. Good luck!
I really like the Mod Sampler quilt- it will be good seeing that finished! You will get it all finished..bit by bit:)
Ok, now I feel a little better with my list. Your list is full of wonderful projects, I am pulling for you to do them all.
Fantastic projects Amy! I can't wait to see them finished :)
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