
Sunday 4 January 2015


Several months ago I decided to tackle my Simply Solids bee quilt at one of our #nintendo guild meet-ups.  This was just the right motivation to get me to complete the top.  Yes - I finally got my 'Amaranth group' Simply Solids Bee quilt TOP completed!

If you were in the Amaranth group and kindly made me a block - thank you!!   To make the top a little bit bigger, I decided to add sashing and corner stones to help define each block but now I am not so sure that was a good idea.  Sashing should be straight and knowing me it will look all wobbly and  that is not a good look!  Fingers crossed it turns out straight looking once quilted!

The next issue:  how should I quilt it?!!

Happy days - this only took two and a bit years to get to this stage but now that it is now a flimsy, I can do the happy dance [and discretely add it to the pile of unfinished quilt tops].


  1. Good for you getting an older quilt top finished. I laugh at the notion of discretely adding it to the unfinished pile now. I've got a whole box full.

  2. Looks really great, love the happy colours... Why are we always tempted to make everything bigger ... Which then makes it harder to quilt & finish? Humm... 😉

  3. Wow! This quilt is going to be super awesome!
    Don't procrastinate! I want to see it quilted! (does that help? I am a pro at procrastination myself...)

  4. It's fabulous! How about getting the backing and wadding sorted before adding it to the pile of finished tops? That way you won't be put off by the whole layering/tacking/pinning thing when you come to quilt it. And you could take advantage of the sales to get some cheap(er) backing...

  5. Lovely. I love all the colours in these blocks.

  6. I would just sew about 1/4" either side of the sashing strips, but then I like light quilting.

  7. I think this looks wonderful! It's so great to get older projects finished - or nearer to being finished!

  8. That you is looking like a fun and interesting project!

  9. wow the colors and design!
    i would be so happy with this quilt.
    you do fantastic work!

  10. Well done Amy. I haven't even sewn my blocks together yet!

  11. Well done Amy. I haven't even sewn my blocks together yet!


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