
Saturday 5 April 2014

ALYOF April goal

A Lovely Year of Finishes

I think I am still in shock that I managed to complete my March goal of  f i n a l l y finishing my Amy Butler quilt so what should I focus on completing in April?

I know - the Sew Together Bag.  I actually made mega progress on it in March but HATED the side flaps/panels and the front with the appliqued hexagons on it so all of that has been unstitched and I am just back to the three-pockets-and-lining-sewn-together-stage.  Yup - I even removed the one section of binding that I had done and the zipper so I can now make it how I really want it to look!  Here it is before I ripped it apart!

 So this is my April ALYOF goal.  Wish me luck!


  1. Good luck - this is going on my list too!

  2. Good luck! This is going to be a good finish at the end of the month.

  3. Amy, I am sure I would have started anew in your place. LOL. Yay for your perseverance though! I HATE "unsewing". Lookin forward to see your April finish!

  4. Whoa that's a whole lot of reverse stitching. That bag frightens me


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