
Saturday 15 March 2014

S(hhhhh...)uffolk come in.

Please feel free to set up your sewing machine and take a moment to sew...


Make yourself at home in the wonderful space provided...


And feel free to come back and visit soon!


  1. Totally jealous! Have a great time!

  2. I hope lots of sewing goes on, between the fresh air and exercise!

  3. Waaaaaaah! I wanna go back!!!!!!

  4. Looks fabulous! Wish I could have come to play too!

  5. Darn.... You were near me... I could have come to say Hello... Hope you liked Sunny Suffolk....

  6. That looks lovely. Where you with a group or on your own? What bliss

  7. Sounds lovely! Wish I could have come, too! (Although I was gifted with a class at our guild yesterday unexpectedly and that was lovely, too!) Beth @ Words & Stitches.

  8. Great photo of you. It all looks so welcoming!

  9. It looks so inviting! I would love to visit Suffolk! I guess as close as I've gotten is Suffolk sheep! lol I now live in the great state of Oklahoma where it's now raining. We need the rain. So, I need to get to the sewing room. It's difficult - I have kidney stones on BOTH sides.


Yay and thank you for leaving me a comment!! I may not be able to reply back to each one but please know that I am very happy that you stopped in and took the time to leave me a comment!