
Saturday 1 February 2014

January 2014 - month in review

February already.  My oh my how time flies!!

My word for the year is 'DO'.  I decided that I needed to 'do' something about my growing pile of scraps, make something from my pile of orphan blocks, use up the stash I already have and to work on my pile of works-in-progess!  So, looking at my January makes, I did pretty well! 

Yes - I finally completed a quilt I started 2 years ago!  It's done people - done!  The Mod Sampler is done!  I washed and tumble dried it last night and it looks nice all scrinkly.  In January I even made some pouches with orphan blocks, used scraps to make some tea wallets, a fern frond and a mini quilt and used some fabric in my stash to make a basket, a cushion cover and some bee blocks.  Woohoo!

My favourite project from January is the mini quilt I made for Doll Quilt Swap #14:

I love all the quilted texture I added, including some hand stitching, and the scrappy goodness and low volumes.  This was a lot of fun to make.

And now we are in February - what will I sew this month!!??  Oh and I forgot to celebrate my 2-year Blogiversary so that will happen VERY SOON - stay tuned for a giveaway!

Linking to Fresh Sewing Day.


  1. Nice projects and great word for the year!

  2. All wonderful projects! You are DOing great! :-)

  3. Oh your mini is adorable! Such a cute scene! Nice job!

  4. Great makes! I love that doll quilt and the butterfly pouch is beautiful. Thank you for my bee blocks too! :-)

  5. What a great month you've had, LOVE that mini quilt, so many beautiful fabrics in there. That quilt looks stunning too, well done!

  6. I love the low volume sky on your mini quilt! Looks like you had a great month!

  7. that mini is so cute! Love it :-D

  8. Wow very impressive there, love the bags and the finish quilt so pretty.

    Peg x

  9. Oh you are good!!
    Love the DQS14 mini xxx

  10. What a coincidence! Your favorite is my favorite! ;) I love it!!

  11. Wow - I think you did more in January than I did in the whole of 2014! Love the mini x

  12. Your mini is so cute but I like your word even better. Do! That is exactly what I need to DO. It's giving me inspiration.

  13. You've done really well! I LOVE your doll quilt :)

  14. DELIGHTFUL... I will be adding your blog to my FEEDLY blog reader.

  15. Lovely projects, especially the mini - such a great design. And well done for finishing the quilt :-)

  16. Your mini quilt is wonderful. Love the bird fabric in it, how perfect!!

  17. Good for you for finishing things. Isn't a good feeling when you move the projects on.
    Di x

  18. Looking fabulous! The birds in the sky are just too cute!

  19. Love the mug rug wish it was flying to my wall! You did such a great job on it! I hope you let me link it to stitch on prints? You always get so much done!

  20. Love the mini and go you for getting the quilt finished :)

  21. Чудова маленька ковдра!!! Мила галявина! ;о)

  22. I love the mini quilt've achieved a lot this month, unlike me!


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