
Thursday 20 February 2014

Fabriholics Anonymous - February update

As you know, I have decided to get serious about my fabric hoarding stashing habits.  I joined a group of other fabriholics and we are all trying to resist delicious, scrumptious, yummy, amazing, drool-worthy fabric for 6 months.  Stop laughing - we are serious!! 

How did I do in month two/February?

Well....  my stash club fabrics arrived which were yummy (this month was GREEN and you KNOW I LOVE green) but I was allowed to have them [said in a whiny voice] as I had already committed to the club before I started my 'fabric fast'.

Photo by The Village Haberdashery

However, I must confess that because this month was GREEN fabric, I added the option of an additional 6 organic fq's to my pre-order of 10.  Greedy I know!!!  But, in my defense, you will be proud of me that in 2014 I have given away 16 fat quarters so my  fabric pile stash has not grown!  16 in and 16 out.  Not too bad!  Oh and I have sewn some things using stash too - and scraps.

Photo from The Village Haberdashery

So, in summary, I would say that being an addict means you can come up with any logic to suit.  Therefore, in month two/February I have been a good girl!  All those in favour say AYE.

How did you do this month?

Linking to Making Rebecca Lynne


  1. Well done! I don't have a stash and just buy for each project, although a do have a scrap basket that bulges!

  2. Aye! Your logic sounds good to me.

  3. Mmmmmmm ... Not so sure about the logic. The stash club is a nice drip feed every month, bit like a nicotine patch!!!

  4. Thank you for sharing honestly. I am not judging, as we all have our weaknesses. You probably have more likelihood of using your new fat quarters than I would if I acquired several every month. (Drip feed, indeed.)
    I look forward to your progress next month.

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  7. Of course your pre order was allowed - it was Green!

  8. You are so right about the addict logic to suit! I need to write my February post too!

  9. excellent justifications. I approve.

  10. Hahahhaa I love the justifications! Very good, very good... And, btw, Green is my favorite color too!

  11. I haven't the heart to disapprove when you love green so much ;-)

  12. YOu and me have the same logical ability I reckon!

  13. Aye, and I didn't join the fabric fast because I was worried my lack of fabric buying might affect Annie's bottom line. As I didn't get the stash club this week, I bestow on you the honour of maintaining Annie's profit margins ;-) so you see it's not a fail, just a diversion of resources....

  14. This post made me laugh. I should be on a fabric fast but there's just no way it's going to happen. But I am making a point of using more and more of my stash. I love green too and the ones you got are lovely additions.

  15. in my eyes ending up 0 net totally counts as not stashing. great job!

  16. Guess if it was pre-ordered you are safe!! I see new Hoffman batiks are out and I dare not look at three favourite sites because I know they are going to have them in stock!!


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