
Monday 6 January 2014

A Lovely Year of Finishes - January goal

There is a list are SEVERAL lists floating about in my head of ALL the things I want to get done this year but to have ONE HUGE list is kinda overwhelming, no?  So, bit by bit I will work my way through it.  Here is my January goal:

To finally-finally-finally-finally quilt this bloomin' quilt!  I think I have fallen out of love with it.  Definitely.  This quilt was pieced a couple of years ago now and it has been basted, un-basted and re-basted, two thirds stippled quilted, then un-quilted (took 4 days to un-quilt it) and then has been rolled up waiting for some sort of divine intervention to get it finished.  I think this is the month to get 'er done.  Finally...  Once and for all.

This quilt has been on ALL of my to-do lists this past year so I am sure you are sick of seeing it but here it is one last time in an unfinished state

The back:

The front:

Wish me luck!!  Linking to Fiber of All Sorts ALYOF January 2014.

A Lovely Year of Finishes


  1. Good luck! You'll get it done this month... Go Amy! :-)

  2. Go for it - I have every confidence you will finish it :-)

  3. This time you'll get there. Put it on your every day list, and do a little each day. Good luck!

  4. Oh goodness well done for picking that to do - good luck!

  5. Go for it and then it will be history! Di x

  6. You can do it!!!!!! Think of how great it will feel to get it off the list.

  7. I love someone who leaves things on their to do lists. Makes me feel like I am not alone. ;-)

  8. Think how good you will feel once it is finished.

  9. It would makegreat gift if you no longer love it!


Yay and thank you for leaving me a comment!! I may not be able to reply back to each one but please know that I am very happy that you stopped in and took the time to leave me a comment!