
Thursday 5 December 2013

Month in review - November

November had a slow start but I made a list and got busy!  Once again I spent most of my time sewing several small projects.  I even sold a few things to work colleagues - yay!!  Now I have a few more pennies to go into the stash drawer bank account!  Here is my mosaic of November makes:

As you can see from my mosaic of makes, I love to make quick projects - projects that get completed!  This makes me feel happy!!  [Confession time]  I will admit that I now have 15 [fifteen] quilts on the go.  One is basted and [patiently] waiting to be quilted, I have four flimsy tops ready to baste and then quilt and the rest are in varying degrees of 'incomplete'.  Hey - don't judge me ;)  They will ALL eventually get done!

So now you know why I procrastinate and make small things - because they make me happy!  The unfinished quilts make me sad and make me feel overwhelmed!  Anyways... My two favourite November makes are the applique mouse:

...and my Henna ensemble.  I made a Headboard Topper, two embellished pillow cases and a pj pillow pouch using some of the prints from Beth Studley's new fabric line "Henna" from Makower UK (and I won her competition - yay!):

I hope you had a good month!  2013 is almost over - can you believe it?  11 months ago I had such great plans to complete the 10 WiP quilts on my list but instead I added five more - oops :)  Here is to a productive month of December sewing up quilts!


  1. What a good month, small projects are the best, you actually finish it and feel good...

  2. That little mouse is soooo sweet, definitely my favourite. Well done with all your makes, and don't worry about the 15 quilts in progress, I'm sure you'll enjoy ticking them off your list throughout next year :-)
    Have a happy weekend,

  3. 15 quilts ... Sounds like you need therapy from Quilters Anon- a- mouse.

  4. brilliant month of makes!

  5. of *course* you won - it was brilliant!!!!

  6. I've said it before, I LOVE your mouse! And the pillows and cushion are gorgeous, I love those fabrics. 15 quilts, good luck with getting them finished!!

  7. Lovely makes and I too like quick projects and a finish too. Good on you on selling items too. Di x

  8. You had a wonderful month! I love your little mouse and the henna makes are stunning :)


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