
Monday 16 September 2013

If you build it, they will hellp!!

NEWS FLASH --> this just in: 
Wonkyville grows again!!!

Carol of The Running Hare sent me these beauties!!  A bird in the window and a spaced-out owl on the chimney - welcome to Wonkyville, girls!

And from Evelyne (who I know from the LMQG), made two wonky houses and two wonky trees. Loving those curved trees and that tall blue roof! 

Turid from Norway sent me MORE houses and another tree for Wonkyville - she spoils me :)  And one of these houses has our first Wonkyville inhabitant!!  Can you see the glamorous lady looking out the window?   

Thank you guys!  This is such a fun project and I love what you are all sewing!!  You have been entered into the draw at the end of the month :) 

Anyone else want to send me a wonky tree or wonky house?  Contact me!!  To be eligible for the draw, please make sure your house or tree has arrived to me by the end of this month!  Don't worry about the deadline though - that is just for the draw.  Wonkyville would love another house or tree if you want to send me something in October!

Happy Monday night everyone!


  1. Loving the details in this selection

  2. Glad you like them Amy. I wasn't sure about the blue sky around the tree as all the others have light backgrounds.

  3. Thanks for becoming a follower recently on Bloglovin!

    Love the lady in the window. I found a quilt pattern for kiddos with a bunch of little houses, and something fun is supposed to be in each window, so I've been on the lookout for the cute window dwellers. I'm glad that you found one for your quilt!

  4. These are so adorable!!! what a fun project!


Yay and thank you for leaving me a comment!! I may not be able to reply back to each one but please know that I am very happy that you stopped in and took the time to leave me a comment!