
Monday 1 July 2013

Happy Canada Day!

Happy Canada Day !

Happy Canada Day to all my family and friends! 

I wish I had made this cake - it looks so yummy!!

I'll be wearing something red and white today and drinking grape Koolaid ('coz that's what I want to do not because it is a Canadian tradition or anything)!  I will be dreaming drooling over memories and thoughts of Rice Krispie Squares, Kraft Dinner with hot dogs cut up in it, maple syrup on Ego Waffles, mom's peanut butter cookies, eating red Twizzler licorice, yummy gummy worms, grape Skittles and Swedish Berries or an Arby's Roast Beef sandwich, Mary Brown's taters, Little Caesar's garlic bread sticks or a Beaver Tail from the market in Ottawa!  I recall happy times spent while having the day off work (it is a holiday at home) so we could celebrate the day at Fairy Lake in Newmarket and then watch the fireworks put on by the town and the neighbour who was a firefighter so he would do the firework show for our whole street.  I am longing for the gorgeous July summer nights when we would sit out on the patio with the family after a dinner party and watch the sun go down and swat mosquitoes late into the night.  Card games, dice, 10000, betting with quarters and Nana winning most games!  Cribbage with dad and him telling me not to count on my fingers.  Vicki hopping the fence to come over to our house from hers.  Mom sun bathing in the garden, golfing all summer and the summer she drank beer!  Sadie-dog running around the back yard yapping at the three terriers next door.  Looking through the paper on Friday and planning our 'route' for garage sales on Saturday.  Lightning storms during the day.  Air conditioning/central air in the house to help get through those humid days.  Planting red, white and silver coloured flowers and plants in the front garden bed to show how 'Canadian' we were. 

I am proud to be Canadian.

Today I miss home.


  1. Happy Canada Day Amy! :-)

  2. Happy Canada Day Amy! :-)

  3. Oh Canada! Btw when you say beaver tail, it's not really a beaver's tail is it? Or is it?

  4. Happy Canada Day!!

  5. Happy Canada day, it sounds wonderful no wonder you miss it .. I'd so like to go to Fairy Lake ~ Sarah x

  6. I miss home too. But at least I've got Koolaid.

  7. I've never heard of these things...but I'm sure they are delicious. Hope you had a great day.

  8. Belated happy Canada day - your reminiscing made ME miss Canada, and I've never been there! Happy days, eh? Xxxxxx

  9. Oh man...I'm so hungry now...twizzlers...Swedish berries...maple syrup! you're killing me with food memories!!

  10. I like the comment about whether or not it's a real beaver tail we eat! I should send you a recipe so you can make them...
    Hope you had a good day, your memories are extensive!


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