
Friday 14 June 2013

Busy shabby-chic'ing it

This is what I am up to - a bit of 'drawing in stitches' practice:

I have a long way to go to perfect it but I am loving the effect!!  Even Mr Crafty Shenanigans loves what I have made which is something, let me tell ya!!

Happy sewing experimenting!


  1. Brilliant Amy love the crown on the birdie :))

  2. That's exactly what I've been doing today too - it's fun isn't it? Love the wee birdie and the sweet houses.
    Have a lovely weekend

  3. it's so fun, isn't it? i love your little houses and that little fence soo cute!!

  4. These are amazing especially the bird with the crown.

  5. just gorgeous! Clever you xx

  6. Wow - they look fabulous! So, do you do the stitching 'free motion'? I know you said they are not perfect, but they look perfect to me! I want to go and try some right now!!

  7. Your stitched pictures look great, like they could be in a magazine!

  8. I love the little bird, this style has always appealed to me. Enjoy playing!

  9. Love, love love it! Looks like you are a pro already!

  10. These are so precious!!
    I can't wait to have a go making my own!
    Tammy xx

  11. PS.. If you don't mind me asking, what kind of fabric is that white one that you used as the base? I'm not sure what to start with.
    Thank you!


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