
Sunday 23 June 2013

23rd June

Every year on this day I do something that I think my mom would like to do with me, in case she is near me in spirit.  I like to think that she would rather me be busy and doing something fun or interesting than just sitting and thinking.  Sometimes I have a quiet, thinking day, but this year I am going to hang out with some friends, eat cake and sew. 

Thirteen years go by very quickly.  Days like today I wish I could be at home giving hugs to my sister, Nana and dad.  I love you guys.  Thinking of you all...

Miss you mom...



  1. That was beautifully written, Amy. xxx

  2. Lovely darling, have a wonderful sewing day xxxxxx

  3. What a lovely way to remember your Mom and to spend the day...((hugs))

  4. Your Mum would be proud of her daughter too. Di x

  5. Beautiful post Amy. And I think you are right - in years to come, nothing would make me happier than knowing that my daughters are with friends and happy. Big hugs xxx

  6. Hope your day makes you smile, i'm sure that's exactly what she would want to see above anything else. xxxxx

  7. Hugs to you, my lovely. Your mum is with you. You have a grand day x

  8. Perfect - I lost my mum 13 years ago too and I spend the day in a similar way.

  9. while it was my Mom-in-law I lost, she was like my Mom, and that day it's hard to know what to do. You picked a perfect way to spend it. Sometimes nothing stops the thinking - but I try to make it positive thinking 'she would have laughed at this' 'you know she would have told you you're a smart ass' sometimes it makes me smile. I hope you smile today at a good memory.

  10. Beautiful way to spend the dau and remember your mum x

  11. Sending hugs! :) I'm sure she's very proud of you!

  12. That was very well said and really touched me. I lost my dad 14 years ago, and it is still very tough. Gratefully, I still have my mom. Hugs to you :)

  13. What a sweet idea, lovely post!


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