
Tuesday 30 April 2013


What a busy weekend!  

I [nearly] completed this:
Just the hem left to do and then I can wear it!

I made three of these:
Drool bibs

I met up with:
Di, Moira, Liz and a few others from the Kinky Bee
Photo borrowed from Tuppence Ha'penny Quilt blog - thanks Pennie!

I sewed with:
Me, Pennie, Kelly, Amanda - plus Nathalie who was our host (no photo, sorry)

I received this:
100 charms from (Lee) May Chappell - thank you!!!

I also received this:
Cookbook from (Marion) My Quilt Diet - thank you!!

And yay I received this too:
My Fab Little Quilt Swap mini quilt from (Wendi) prsd4tim2.  Thank you!

I also tidied ... ok, not really... ok..maybe a tiny bit!!!
[no photo obviously!!]

And I did some gardening:
Rhubarb topped up with soil, lettuce planted, parsnips planted, potatoes chitting on
the windowsill and the tomato plant was planted.  I just hope there is no frost!

And now it is Monday evening Tuesday evening and I MUST get the house tidy for when dad and Debbie arrive!!  AND I need to get a couple of blog posts set to 'publish' by themselves while I am on holiday!
Fingers crossed my giveaway goes live as planned on May 6th.

Happy sewing!


  1. Blimey, girl, when have you had chance to do all that??!!!! Schoolhouse looks fab, by e way :-)

  2. Busy with a capital B!
    but lots of fun too.
    Hope you have a great time with your dad.

  3. What a wonderful time you're having! The top is really pretty!

  4. Can't believe you've finished our tunic...looks great. Have a great time with your dad.

  5. loving your top - I'll be coming to you for help!

  6. Well busy is right! Love the top. :-)

  7. So I guess that you have been sewing late into the night! The tova top looks beautiful. How is the fit? I would be interested to know. Di x

  8. Sounds like you've been having a lot of fun! :o)

  9. your tunic looks amazing!!! You have been VERY busy!

  10. your tunic looks amazing!!! You have been VERY busy!

  11. Blimey you have been busy Amy! Love the tunic - hope you will be sporting that at the next LMQG. Assume the drool bibs are for somebody else! Love the swap goodies too x

  12. That tunic is looking goood! Have a brilliant time with your family xx


Yay and thank you for leaving me a comment!! I may not be able to reply back to each one but please know that I am very happy that you stopped in and took the time to leave me a comment!