
Friday 1 March 2013

Setting a Lovely March Goal

My March goal will be to finish my "Aurifil Spool" mini quilt and link it up to the Pantone Colour of the Year linky party.  I really want it to have spectacular quilting but Mr Toyota is acting up and skipping stitches CONSTANTLY now (which is why I ripped out all the quilting I did do on my February goal) so I'm not really sure what I should do.  I am not a confident hand-stitcherer person and as much as I would love to hand stitch it, it isn't really an option due to time available....

I didn't finish my February goal (I did try realllllly hard) and now I am quite sick of looking at it [Mod Sampler quilt] and working on it that I am going to ignore it for a little while.  I started it over a year ago so what's another month or two, right!!??  Fingers crossed I can get my March goal done, despite sewing machine problems!!!

I love green so if I do get my "Aurifil Spool" done I will be really really pleased with myself and I will have another yummy mini quilt to hang here in my itty bitty cottage :)  This is the motivation I need I think!
Linking to A Lovely Year of Finishes.


  1. Do you have time to snd your machine in for a service? My dressmaker friend has a man that comes to her house, near Heathrow so I am sure he would travel to you, I can get his number? I can't wait to see it finished!

  2. I love your spool! (that sounds a bit rude)

  3. Your mini is so nice and I'm sorry that your machine is misbehaving and chewing this mini up. Perhaps you might need to bite the bullet and hand quilt it? Di x

  4. Wow - love the spool! Makes me want to go and make one for every colour shelf of my stash!

  5. Every time I see this mini I fall in love more. Can you get together with one of your London guild members and borrow their machine to quilt it?

  6. What a total pain your machine isn't playing ball, but if it needs a little service might be best to get that done, i think mine is in need of one too, but i'm going to put it in when we move as I figure there will be a week or so when i'm too busy to do much sewing! : )

  7. Looks really good. Don't ya just hate it when those machines have a mind of their own.

  8. Love this Aurifil spool - my eyes can't decide whether to look at the spool or the lovely low volume background! Lovely lovely make x

  9. It is looking great! Can't wait to see it finished!

  10. Oh dear, my machine hates FMQ. We did make up and it did a great job at some straight line sewing the last week or two, even going over more than three layers of fabric which it normally refuses to do. I wish you luck and sewing goodness.

  11. Such a beautful background fabric mix .....


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