
Sunday 31 March 2013

March in review

That's it - March is complete.  Spring should be around the corner...  we'll see!!  I had a steady month of blocks and small projects.

There two highlights in March for me.  The first was sewing my Pantone Emerald Aurifil Spool mini quilt.  Alex Veronelli (Mr Aurifil) sent me some Aurifil and an Aurifil colour card and said he loved it!  How cool is that!!?  The other highlight would be printing my own design on fabric!  I joined the Handprinted III swap and revisited screen printing from my youth!  What a great feeling that was.

White on white - yum!

I will share some pictures of the fabric I receive from the other four in the group once it all comes in.  I am looking forward to it arriving and sewing with it!  I managed to achieve my Lovely Year of Finishes goal and four of my seven 1st Quarter Finish Along goals.  It feels great to cross things of my list(s)!  But, in true Amy style, I have added a whole lot more to my list! 

Yes, March was fun - I won a Comma charm pack from Shape Moth and the gorgeous Cascade pattern from Spring Leaf Studios.  Thank you!!  April should be busy - I'm in a few swaps so I am busy planning and sewing, re-planning and sewing more.  I am desperate to start sewing the Forest QAL blocks too - they are amazing!  I hope you had a great March and here's to a fabulous April!  Here is one more picture for you - isn't he the sweetest thing?

Linking to Fresh Sewing Day at Lily's Quilts


  1. What a productive month for you Amy! Lots of lovely gifts that you made and you also received.

  2. Pretty rocking month you had!

  3. What a brilliant month!! I love your handprinted fabric!

  4. Wow March was a productive month. Love all your creations

    Cheers Pauline

  5. Some great makes and your screen print looks the time I'm going to copy that idea....if I remember!

  6. Great month! I love the handprinted fabric, so cute and totally unique!


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