
Friday 22 March 2013

Handprinted Swap III - printed!

Happy news!!  I am finished printing my four fat quarters for my four partners.  I am sending them to the USA, New Zealand and Australia - four days ahead of schedule!  Phew.  I really hope that Kerry-Anne, Lamina, Melissa and Kelsey love what I have printed.  Here I am holding my favourite piece:

The kids in turquoise on White Kona!

I tried two different ways to make my image repeat - straight rows as above and slightly staggered as below.

Kids in magenta on White Kona!

I used Kona solids as my fabric, pre-washed to remove any starches in the fabric that may have interfered with the ink.  I made the water-soluble ink permanent by heat setting it with my iron.

Kids in sea green on Snow Kona!

 And here is the fourth one (which I love):

Kids in black on Parchment Kona!

Looking through the Flickr group you can see so much talent and imagination!  There are quite a few different techniques being used to create unique patterns and repeats.  One person used a cork!  How clever!  I was inspired to make my own selvage just as someone else did on their fq's so I recycled my quilt label screen and printed the lines I wanted at the bottom of each piece that I am sending out!  Yes, some of the selvages are wonky, but what do you expect - it is handprinted!?

Kids in white on White Kona - showing selvage!

I have no idea what I will make from my little test pieces of handprinted kids that I printed the other day but maybe I will do a giveaway soon?  Or if I ever get around to it, I may list a couple pieces in my Etsy shop.  For my packaging I folded the fq's so the main image could be seen on the front and then put them in clear cello envelopes.  I also added one of my MOO cards so each recipient could see who sent it!  I'm quite pleased with how it all turned out!

I must say that creating this fabric for this swap has been so much fun and woohoo I still have four handprinted fat quarters to arrive!!  I wonder what I will make from the ones I am sent!!??  So exciting!

Linking to Finish it Friday and TGIFF.

 Handprinted: a fabric swap III


  1. fab fab FAB!!!!! I love that you included a selvedge - such a great idea!

  2. Awesome - that selvedge is seriously cool. Very clever, Amy!

  3. These are great Amy, well done! I am convinved i'll be printing mine monday morning when the removals men arrive to move us out, oops! :o)

  4. Wow, these are so cute and awesome all at once! And you even made your own selvage:) Sounds like a fun project and swap. Thanks for sharing at TGIFF!

  5. Wow Amy, they are so cool! I love the selvedge.

  6. Very clever and the selvedge is brilliant. Di x

  7. Absolutely lovely and terribly cute. Love the selvedge, love the packaging!

  8. Ace! Your partners will love them!

  9. Oh these are just the cutest!! I love them all. I'm going to have to find out how you did it - will search your blog now!!

  10. do you have any going spare?!?!? LOVE!

  11. very cute :-)

  12. Wow!! Fantastic and soo cute :)


  13. fab they are so gorgeous your partners will be thrilled to receive them

  14. Stunning, really funky :-)

  15. Amy I really love your hand printed fabric and if you were to sell it I would SO buy it.

  16. Oh lucky me!! I came home from a short vacation to find my amazing fabric! I love it, Amy! Thanks for being awesome!

  17. My fabric has just arrived...I love it!! I knew from your blog what it was going to look like but it is even better in the flesh!!Thanks so much. I do hope you like my effort which I posted on Monday.

  18. your handprinted fabric is wonderful too. i also participated in covert robin & the handprinted fabric swap. so good to meet you.

  19. Hi Amy,
    I recieved your gorgeous fabric swap fabric today! Thank you I absolutely LOVE it... it's so cute and I can't wait to use it!

    The fabric swap is just so much fune hey :)

    thanks again!

    Lamina xxx


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