
Friday 1 February 2013

January 2013

The first month of 2013 is over already.  Are we on warp speed or what!?  Only 11 months until 2014 - yikes!!!

In January I managed to make two quilts tops, finish a quilt off of my Lovely Year of Finishes list / 1st Quarter list and make a couple dozen (or more) blocks for a variety of bees and for my own quilts and projects.  I finished my first swap item(s) of 2013 too - yay!

Health wise, I suffered from the 'January blues' which I tried to cure with fabric shopping and signing up to a few more swaps and joining two Block of the Month programs.  All of that on top of the four bees I am already in plus the self-imposed pressures of finishing what I started LAST year THIS year...

So, back to what I made in January!!  Here is the abridged version in picture mosaic form:

January summary:
  • 2 quilt tops competed
  • 1 quilt finished
  • 4 (+3) magnets completed
  • 1 pin cushion made
  • 1 'heat bag' made
  • 1 fabric bucket made
  • 24+ blocks sewn 
  • 2 panel pillows
  • 1 tutorial completed
My favourite finish of January was my Scrappy Wonky Star quilt which has a flannel back to it and is super soft and lovely.  I also love the mouse pin cushion I made for Annie using Anna Maria Horner leopard print fabric!  I named him Mighty Mouse!

Off to link up with Fresh Sewing Day over at Lily's Quilts.......and that reminds me -- I still have do my Part 2 of my 2012 re-cap!!  Please can someone donate more hours to the day to me!??  Cheers! ;)


  1. Love your snakey, he's sssuper :)

  2. Well... You've been busy! I love that little mouse... :-)

  3. Gasp! I love Scrappy Wonky Star, and Might Mouse is yummy! :) I'm working on something super scrappy right now and loving anything scrappy. Your mosaic is terrific too. Great month, Amy!

  4. Great makes Amy. You have been super busy - I am relieved that you never over commit! :)0. Di x

  5. whoa there lady. You're putting the rest of us to shame! LOVE that mouse x

  6. You have been buzzing! Lots of fun makes in that mosaic---specially I like the soft green wonky star, and Mighty Mouse is cute--he's in disguise, of course!


  7. That is a gorgeous list of makes!! But my favourite has to be Mighty Mouse!! It is so cute!

  8. I saw mighty mouse in person today. He looks very smart!

  9. Blimey!
    You've managed loads! I feel like I have done hardly anything!!

  10. Wow that is a list of finishes! You need some extra time to sleep! Can't wait to see what you finish in February!

  11. That mouse pin cushion in leopard print is so cute - I want one!!

  12. Whaoo! You've been busy. Good work. Love the Wonky Stars!

  13. January sure has flown by.

    But what fantastic makes! I love your mouse

  14. I really don't know where 2013 has gone so far! Love the star quilt, it looks so comfy!


Yay and thank you for leaving me a comment!! I may not be able to reply back to each one but please know that I am very happy that you stopped in and took the time to leave me a comment!