
Saturday 19 January 2013

Scrappy Wonky Stars quilt - done

Woohoo - my first finished project of 2013! My first 'finished-finish' - yay for me!

I finally got my Scrappy Wonky Star cot quilt/play mat/knee warmer completed!  This small quilt was just over a year in the making.  My first wonky star [ever] was the pink one [made sometime in 2011] and then the red, the blue with denim and the purple stars soon followed - shown in one of my first blog posts in January 2012.  Then it all sat.  And sat.  And sat until I finally made a few more stars.  I finally stitched them all together, added the border and basted the quilt in December 2012.  And tonight I finished it - January 18 2013.  The efforts of a year+...

This little quilt has the softest organic Cloud 9 flannel on the back plus 80/20 wadding so it will be a lovely cuddly and warm blanket for sure!  I used lots of scraps from a variety of swaps and stash and love how it all turned out in the end!  I especially love wonky stars and these ones have lots of plaids and checks and homespun which makes me happy, and reflects my fabric tastes pre-2012 when I thought quilts were always plaid and 'aged' or vintage looking!  The plaids here create a fun and funky cottage-y feel and the scrappy border I added has grown on me.  I love it with the scrappy binding!  

I stitched an outline on the outside and inside of each star plus the border so each piece of pieced and scrappy fabric has some stitching through it, which I hope will make a really sturdy quilt that can withstand numerous washes over the years.  I did machine binding on this one for speed and durability.

This is one of the seven projects I listed in my 1st Quarter FAL list and I am pleased I have at least one project crossed off my list PLUS it is my January project on my Lovely Year of Finishes too.  And hey 'Lazy Bums' - I finally got it finished!!

I still have 9 WiP quilts started in 2012 to complete so enough talking - I'm off to sew!!

she can quilt


Linking my finish to Finish it up Friday and Whoop Whoop!


  1. I love this wonky scrappy star quilt! Love the colors!

    Well done and Happy New Year!

  2. Beautiful, of to a flying start in 2013

  3. the wonky star project looks great, January is a good month for finishing off I think. Just bound one of mine thats being hanging about for 6 months

  4. I love me some wonky stars and scrappy binding. Look forward to seeing it at the next meeting.

  5. I love this quilt. It just says snuggle in me.

  6. Well done on your first 2013 finish. Love the vintage look and the scrappy border.

  7. Oh, this quilt makes me want to wrap myself inside of it and read! It is sooo pretty and fun! What a great finish for the new year!


  8. I love your quilt! Love the wonky stars, the plaids and the scrappy binding too. Classic but fun~!

  9. Lovely finish! Congratulations! I've just finished my first for 2013 and now I need to get a photo up! I just love the word "finished", don't you?

  10. The scrappy binding and border were an excellent answer to the question of what do you do with a scrap quilt in those areas. Very pretty.

  11. It is a beautiful finish and I love the wonky stars. Di x

  12. Great Finish!! I bet it will be really snuggly with the flannel back and warm wadding.

  13. Lovely jubbly! And very Amy. I love the scrappy plaids and the scrappy border & binding. Well done on your January finish! x

  14. This is beautiful - you should feel really proud of what you have managed here. Love the wonky star pattern!

  15. I love that not only the stars are scrappy but the borders too! Lovely!

  16. It's gorgeous Amy - well done for your first finish x

  17. It is stunning! Congratulations on the finish and having a super snuggly quilt!

  18. That is just beautiful - I love the pieced border! Whoop whoop!!

  19. Loving your quilt and your choice of colors and fabrics! Great finish!

  20. Yay, a finish! That always feels so good. Your quilt looks lovely and I especially love the pieced border.

  21. I love it! I love plaids and I love the scrappiness of your stars. I also like the binding. Perfect!


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