
Wednesday 9 January 2013

In Your Words blog hop and GIVEAWAY!

Welcome to my stop in the In Your Words blog hop!  I am so happy you are here (feel free to stay a while, look around and enter the giveaway!) and am thrilled to be sharing the day with these fine people too:

Amy's Crafty Shenanigans - you are here!

Thank you to Linda of Buzzing and Bumbling and Mdm Samm of Sew We Quilt for being awesome cheerleaders and organisers extraordinaire of this fun blog hop!!   

The idea behind In Your Words was to incorporate a word (one or more) into a project which revealed who you were or perhaps shared more about you.  Now that I find myself typing my explanation about my project, I am at a loss for words!!  I'm beginning to think the words I used on my '4 Things' quilt share too much about me and all of a sudden I am feeling a bit shy!!  Here is my quilt top:

'4 Things' quilt top

My quilt top has these four words:


When I sketched my idea, I knew instantly what words I wanted to piece for my quilt.  I decided to make it a low-volume quilt with lots of text fabrics with the words in colour -- in my favourite colours in fact [red, navy, aqua and lime green]!!  I have added a few other blocks in that I adore - the wonky stars and wonky houses, the wonky tree, the quirky bird and a mod flower.  This quilt is everything I love!!  And those are the words that I had to have!  I made the word 'LOVE' first, in capital letters using dotty fabric, some plaids and pin fabric!

Love and quirky bird

Then I made 'affection' in all lower case letters using any aqua fabric I had.  'ATTENTION' was made using all capitals and was paper pieced using the Quilters Cache free blocks in some Oakshott, Joel Dewberry and Parson Grey fabrics - yum!  The other words were all made up free-form with inspiration from my Word Play Quilts book.

Affection, attention and praise

And I love the word 'praise' done in lower case.  The long tail on the letter p in yummy lime and citrus greens is fab!  So fresh - especially with that super mini wonky star beside it!

Praise with super mini wonky red star

These four words are the 'four things' that I would like to give more of in 2013.  They are also the four things I would like to receive in 2013!!  I believe most people need these four things in their lives -- along with food, water and shelter of course!

Oakshott and Kaffe stars

I loved making this quilt top.  It was so liberating to sew my scraps together and all sorts of fabrics that I had here in the pile!  I was inspired by the low-volume quilts I have seen around blog-land and finally made myself one!  I even managed to incorporate a few orphan blocks into the quilt which means I am working on shrinking my WiP list as well!  Yay!

Wonky houses and tree with clouds.  Cloud fabric from Maze & Vale, Etsy

So far, this quilt top measures 57" x 68" and I hope to add a border to each side to give it a little frame before I sandwich it etc.  I'm not sure how I will quilt this quilt yet - I want the words to stand out but not be too overpowering.  I know the word 'affection' is hard to read so I may have to do something to improve that.  I can't wait to have it completed!  So there you have it - my '4 Things' quilt :)

A mod flower

I also have a giveaway!  For a chance to win a 20"x22" (fat quarter) of Rich Red Kona and a 20"x34" piece of this texty London fabric (it is almost home-dec weight - perfect for zippy pouches and cushions), please leave me a comment telling me what the weather is doing where you are!  The temperature is dropping here in London - we may even have 'winter' soon!  My giveaway is open internationally!  Feel free to leave a second comment if you are a follower.  Winner will be chosen randomly and announced on the 17th January.  Good luck to you all!

Win these fabrics!

Thank you for popping in today to see my In Your Words blog hop project and do pop back to Mdm Samm's blog each day for more chances to win!  Happy hopping!

Sew we quilt

Also linking up with WiP Wednesday!  And with Plum & June.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. oh wow.. I love your quilt!!! The weather here right now in Texas..rainy for a change, however that will probably change and go back to sunny and warm in a few days,

  3. Ooops. I deleted my first comment because i forgot to tell you about the weather in Santa Fe, New Mexico.

    I love all the details in your quilt--especially the little bird perched on love. I can't wait to see how you will quilt it.

    We have snow on the ground, bright blue sunny skies ... and a winter storm is coming.

  4. The words quilt is so clever. I like the use of a LV background. The weather is getting colder here. I had to defrost the car this morning. Di x

  5. Love they way you expressed yourself in your quilt. The weather here in Washngton, D.C. is really nice right now. We have not had any snow to think of yet, it is a little rainy and cold, put the tempature seems to be rising to at least 60.

  6. I am already a follower, love your work.

  7. My weather at here is sunny day. From Malaysia!! Our country is Hot weather!! Come to visit our country!! ^^

  8. I love it! You are absolutely right - everyone should get more love, affection, attention and praise in 2013. The weather here in Montreal is frigid! But the weatherman is saying we could get above zero temperatures over the weekend! Yay! :-)

  9. Love your quilt. Weather in Malaysia is cloudy now. :D

  10. So neat, Amy! I love the low-volume background and the fact that you randomly added in the house, bird and star blocks!

  11. gorgeous! The weather here in Indonesia is hot and humid with lots of rain!

  12. Right now, it is running about 80 degrees Fahrenheit during the day where I am. It is perfectly lovely! Thanks for the giveaway.

  13. I follow via Google reader.

  14. Oh wow, Amy! Your quilt is awesome! Thanks for the give-away too. I adore that fabric!

  15. I live in central Canada. It's cold here for 5 months straight! We don't usually get a break until the 3rd week of March -- or later!!!

  16. Gorgeous... I love the improv piecing, low volume and texty prints!! that's a great job and a LOT of piecing! You must be really proud..

  17. Amy it is absolutely brilliant! Great job :o)

  18. Amy, I love your quilt. So creative. Here in Minnesota it has been above freezing in the 30's, but it is supposed to get very cold on Monday.

  19. I am a happy follower. I would love that fabric!

  20. Your quilt is fabulous!

    The weather here was really nice today... but we are hoping for rain... we are tobacco farmers and need to fill our ponds up for this summer.

  21. I live in northern Calif, and we are due for rain, and cold weather, but no snow.
    You did a beautiful job with your words. I especially like your additional details like the bird and the little stars. It really adds a lot to the quilt.

  22. I love all the cute little details you added - the bird is amazing!


  23. I love your words and everything about your quilt ... the fabrics, colors and blocks ... especially the quirky bird. Sew wonderful! ... :) Pat

  24. The weather here was beautiful today, but is supposed to snow very soon! Yeah! Your quilt is gorgeous! I love that it is low volume so all your words stand out. The bird is my favorite sitting up there on love. Great work!

  25. Just love this quilt! WOnderful use of fabrics and great words and the little tid-bits thru it are just enough to make it oh so sweet. Here in NY we are COLD, but luckily not too snowed in. I look forward to Spring already!

  26. What a beautiful quilt! Love your words. It is raining and snow is forecasted here in N. Calif. Thank you for sharing and the great giveaway.
    jbechosend at sbcglobal dot net

  27. I follow via GFC! jbechosend at sbcglobal dot net

  28. What a cute quilt! Love it... It is also starting to feel like winter in Luxembourg.... But though we had a fair bit of snow in early December to scare us all it has been just grey almost since.... Perfect weather for crafting at home!

  29. I particularly love the little bird.

    Very foggy yesterday, few planes flying but the mail did get here.

  30. Amy, I think that quilt top is one of your most inspired works so far. I absolutely love it. Great choice of words as well. As I live only an hour north of you I think our weather is pretty similar. Wonder if we will get any snow this year? Thanks for the giveaway chance!

  31. How lovely to share with us from London. Here in Oregon, we are cold and WET. We very rarely get snow, but it is in the forecast for the next few days. Since we usually are really close to the freezing point,above and below the line, that could mean ice. Not always fun, but if it means no school, it means I get a day off to sew! :)

  32. That is just absolutey lovely! I love your quilt, the light background and the additional sweet things like houses trees, birdie... to the words. Really just beautiful!

  33. Great quilt - I am not far from you in Solihull and its gone really cold here this morning! too dark to see if Chris Evans is right and its foggy though!

  34. that is so utterly beautiful xxx

  35. It was supposed to be raining today, but it didn't...wish it did we really need it here in Oklahoma. Thanks for the giveaway. vickise at gmail dot com

  36. My girls tell me it is cold and frosty outside here in Cheltenham; I wouldn't know as I'm having a lie in and a cuppa courtesy of my fantastic husband! I am being treated to all four of your words this morning....

  37. ATTENTION and Praise you certainly have both of mine with this post. How about some admiration too! Love your project and the low volume background with all of your uniqueness scattered on the top is just perfect! So very nice, thank you for sharing your creativity.

    I love that London fabric and would be thrilled and gobsmacked if I won. Happy 2013! Jane

  38. Ami, I just became a follower through Google and wanted to let you know that here in northern NY the wind is howling and I'm grateful since it is warming things up and getting the thermometer over the freezing temp! Jane

  39. I've been looking forward to seeing this project - the sneak peeks have been wonderful! We have had a heat wave in Perth, Australia, so lots of swimming each day for us!

  40. This is such a wonderful quilt. I adore the little bird on top of the word Love. A quilt to treasure forever!

  41. Love your words. I especially love the little bird. Warm and cloudy here in North Carolina. Winter has taken a break I guess.

  42. It is so stormy here (In Tel Aviv, Israel) that its crazy!

  43. And I'm your follower ofcourse :)

  44. Omg, we are having 80 degree weather. I want to start my garden but I am hesitant in case it gets cold again. Your project is lovely.

  45. This is a great quilt! I feel so privileged to be blog hopping with so many inspirational quilters. Thank you so much for sharing your project. The weather is Illinois is fairly warm--50 degrees yesterday!

  46. Fabulous quilt - I like your words! and the bird and flower!!

  47. Your quilt is fantastic! Love the bird and little houses, the words are wonderful. An overall wonderful quilt, thank you for sharing :)

    cindy at quiltdoodledesigns dot com

  48. This is a wonderful quilt - I love all the attention to detail.

  49. Wonderful project! I love the way you made it all come together to make a fabulous hanging!

  50. it looks brilliant!

  51. Love your quilt. It's wonderful. Here in southwest Florida, USA, it is lovely. Very low humidity, highs in the 80's and lows in the 60's. Couldn't ask for better weather.

  52. And I'm already a follower, of course.

  53. Lovely words, I agree that everyone needs to have them said and done in their life. The weather is freezing and below freezing here in the middle of Greece but very sunny and clear blue skies.

  54. Your quilt top is so wonderful and stunning. I love it and the whole idea with the words among the small block.
    You are very, very creative
    The weather here in south of Sweden is grey, a little cold and we are waiting for new snow.

  55. That little bird perched on LOVE is so adorable! sowingstitches[at]gmail[dot]com

  56. Love your quilt top. I love the words idea.

    The weather? It's all over the place right now. The day starts out cold (20s) then gets up to nearly 50 degrees. Then it might rain. Or not. Then tomorrow? They're forcasting 60 degrees. And maybe rain. It's always "maybe rain".

  57. It's snowing, snowing, snowing here right now. About 8 new inches and it's still coming down. But this is what you love when you live in a ski resort as we do. Bring it on!
    Your project is so much fun, and I'll bet you had a good time piecing it all together.

  58. Wonderful projects...thanks for sharing with us.

  59. Meant to say that I am already a follower.

  60. There is no doubt about it....YOUR words resonate with many of us...and many more than you know will have to take a peak...welllllll over there lol

  61. What a fun quilt with great words to hope for! I love how you used the low volume prints. Great idea!

  62. Ps. I am a follower and it's a mild winter here in Maryland.

  63. Gorgeous! You did such a great job with the letters, and I love the subtle shades in the background!

  64. Rain in the forecast in Indiana, I'm afraid...this is a gorgeous quilt, I love everything about it...little houses, love bird...just beautiful.

  65. Great piece Amy!!! The temp. has gone up a bit here today...We've had cool weather and a nice amount of snow...but melting a bit today. We will get more!!!!

  66. Love how this came out! The words you chose are fab (remind me a little of an old Joan Armatrading song!) your use of low volumes is exquisite!
    Today's weather here s not worth mentioning....Grey, again, and the sun is already going down.

  67. HI Amy love the quilt and the words, thanks for sharing. I am in Derbyshire and today it has been an heavy frost and fog, which has not lifted all day and it is very cold compared to the last few weeks!! But I prefer this to the rain! Thanks for the Giveaway. Susie x

  68. Wonderful quilt and true treasures. We are in the 60's here in North Carolina with a little rain expected this weekend. Judy C

  69. Your wordy project is just so it! So many little details to look at. The weather in Las Vegas has been cool, but not unbearably cold.

  70. Your quilt is gorgeous! I love that "affection" is more subtle. I think you did a wonderful job!!!

  71. I'm already a follower, too! Happily!

  72. We have been in winter for a while now here in the western prairies of canada - since about mid-October - and I';m really starting to dislike the white stuff.... Can't wait to see the new green of spring. Thanks for sharing your quilt and for the opportunity on the draw

  73. Hi!! This is wonderful!! Love it all!!!! Thank You

  74. Windy, freezing with 2 feet+ of snow and more coming!!! Ahhh, Canadian prairies ;D

  75. Of course I follow you, I love your blog!
    Thank you for the chance :)

  76. I saw your quilt in the Flickr group and fell in love instantly! The weather here in Iowa is chilly, we are expected to be in the mid 40's(F)today and overcast. On Saturday we are dippin down to the 20's! brrrrr Oh, well. I'd rather wear a coat than a swimsuit!! LOL

  77. I do have a quick question... do you have a pattern for this? Or info on how you made the wonky house, tree, bird blocks and words???
    Oh, and that flower!! I love it all.

  78. Love your words. We are having our January thaw. The temp might make it up to 40 degrees today. It has been in the 20 s for the last three weeks. No wind today, has been gusting up to 40 mph lately. Sun is shining for the third day in a row. Very unusual for northern Michigan this time of year.

  79. The quilt is awesome, you put alot of thought and work into it and it shows. I love texty fabric its what I will collect this yr, I started building a stash last year of good quality fabrics.

  80. Such a delightful quilt. I like the bird on the word love.

  81. I love your quilt . The low volume with colourful words was a great idea. The weather in Australia is soooooo hot . The swimming pool is like a tepid bath . Our beaches are packed on weekends but too many sharks around for me to swim in the ocean !

  82. I'm a follower on bloglovin.

  83. Love all those words. It will make a beautiful quilt.

  84. I am a follower and the weather here has been very wintry in Pennsylvania. Mostly in the 30's and 40's. We have gotten a dusting of snow several times which makes everything look beautiful but doesn't stop people from going out.

  85. We just had 4 inches of rain in 2 days....we are So thankful for the
    rain since we are in a drought in Texas:)
    Love the idea of using all those scraps and still saying something:)

  86. We are in the midst of a warming trend and expecting rain

  87. Congrats on such a fabulous project. I do love it, and am amazed with all the piecing that went into it. Your London fabric give a way is wonderful. I just might have to get with you and work out a deal to have some sent to me!!! I would love to have this in my stash! :-)

  88. The weather her in Missouri is rainy and starting to get colder!

    Love you quilt!

  89. It's been cold, but it is supposed to be 70 this weekend. What!?! In January??? That's OK, I'll take it. I hate the cold.

  90. Your quilt is quite lovely. I really like your flower.

  91. The temperature is dropping and they say it'll snow tomorrow.

  92. Oh AMY...I LOVE your project! You and I are on the same wavelength and enjoy the same kinds of projects. Too bad you don't live in London Ontario because we would be great quilty friends I'm sure! Great job on your wonderful word quilt!

  93. I have been in Galveston for two days and it rained the whole time. Today a little overcast but hope to make it home without rain tonight. Wonderful inspirational words. Love your project today and Thanks for sharing...Judith, Texas

  94. What a lovely quilt. You did a great job. I too love going through my scraps and finding the right fabric to go with my project. Thanks for sharing.

  95. Really love your quilt ~ very sweet and creative!

  96. Love the star and little houses, so cute! in NC it is 60 degrees and sunny. Very warm for January.

  97. Good morning to you from South Carolina, USA. Today the weather is very nice out. Upper 60's today. Sun is shining and I just had 2 birds on my front porch chirping. Lots of wildlife abounds where I am located in a small private forest....Seems that way I am surrounded by trees on my 2 acres here. I had 3 deer come through the back yard at lunch the other day. We were watching em through the wall of windows that overlook my back yard from the kitchen dining area. And at any given time I have at least a dozen squirrells running through the yards. conn_and_vans_mom(at)yahoo(dot)com

  98. Wow, love your quilt. Says it ALL!!

  99. I am also a new follower and thank youf ro the oppourtunity to enter your giveaway. Thank you for shareing your project with us today. My daughter would love for me to win this fabric as she is a die hard fan of anything slightly british...She has already practiced so many times to perfect her British accent just in case she ever goes their so she can fit 13 year olds you gotta love them.

  100. Record highs coming this week in South Carolina

  101. rainy here but 70this later in the week

  102. love your "4 things" quilt. Praise is something I need to work on giving more of to people. Georgia is overcast and not as warm as I want it to be.

  103. Finally! I got to see the finished project and find out where that flower went. I like that flower.LOL
    Of course I like the whole thing.

  104. And of course I am a follower.

  105. I like your quilt. The words, and the wordy fabric and the bird, etc. is a great added touch too.

  106. I'm a new follower and looking forward to more posts from you.

  107. It's bloody freezing here in Wales with the added touch of sleeting rain.
    I love your quilt Amy, everything about it- from the words to the low volume and the quirky bits. The giveaway just tops it off nicely!

  108. It is lovely and sunny, about 50 degrees F , in SE Pennsylvania, USA.
    thanks for the giveway chance


  109. What a fabulous piece of work. I appreciate your aesthetic. I agree that what we give we also will receive. Thank you for sharing!

  110. We are on vacation in Hawaii and our weather is wonderful! Thanks for sharing your words and your quilt!

  111. Such a great wordy quilt.
    Love it lots.

  112. It's unseasonably hot and muggy here in North Central Florida, USA. I like your Word quilt and the story too. Thanks for the giveaway.

  113. I like it! Here in southern Manitoba, it is cloudy and a couple degrees above freezing, but tomorrow we are expecting a blizzard and 50 to 70 km/hr winds, with much colder temps.

  114. Wow! That's a lot of piecing, Amy. From CA, thanks for sharing.

  115. Amy, I love this quilt! It's so creative and personal as well as looking so pretty too!

    BTW - it's a bit frosty on this side of London too...brrrrrr

  116. And of course, I'm a follower too!

  117. This is amazing - well done you

  118. I live in a suburb of Tulsa, OK close to the middle of the US. A friends and I had plans to go to a quilt show tomorrow. She called yesterday and wanted to change to today. She and I each have an ugly ailment called fibromyalgia. We usually ache badly when the weather changes to rain, cool, cool, snowy type weather. Well, it's raining here today and is cooler than it has been. So, since I'm lurking on the Internet, you probably have guessed that we plan to go tomorrow. So the weather is rather dreary here today. Very cool and rainy. I even went to see the pain management doctor unexpectedly - just to get refills on my meds.

  119. I certainly became a follower. I love that you pointed out the "quirky" bird. I love the houses. I so want to make a "house quilt." I look and look at houses looking for a house pattern or patterns that I can find that really ring my chimes for a quilt. I don't know what I truly want. I have the fabric, though. I may have to add some or change some, but I basically have the fabric(s). I love the aqua affection. The aqua reminds me of my mother. Her favorite color was aqua. She was a teacher for years. She wore many, many colors to school, but aqua was definitely her favorite color, including shoes. You might think of popping the aqua color with a special color of thread, too! I love your sentiments and your quilt!

  120. Great job, I especially love the little houses.

  121. Love your quilt and the extra blocks you added , very creative ,thanks for sharing and as for the weather it was a very strange day , we went from rain to snow and then back to rain with high winds .

  122. I love the quilt,and everything in it. It sets me thinking of what words I would choose. Our weather in Calgary is snowy and cold, yesterday was windy and thawing. Typical changeable Calgary weather!

  123. Very creative quilt. THanks for sharing. We have snow on the ground but it rained this morning.

  124. I'm your lucky new follower. LOL

  125. Love how your quilt turned out...especially like the word Love :) Great colors!

  126. I follow in google reader - thanks for the giveaway!

  127. Great job! Love this quilt!
    hulseybg at gmail dot com

  128. What great words! Very nice!

  129. Hi! I enjoyed my visit. Your quilt is super fantastic. Great lettering!

    We are windy and cold, maybe snow tonight. I live in the desert in Northwestern Arizona near Grand Canyon. This is our typical winter weather. Very,very cold.

  130. I am a new email Follower. Thanks a bunch!

  131. Today was a cold and windy day.I`m a follower!!

  132. Love your quilt.Great job!!

  133. Love how you made the words pop out on the quilt!

    It is about 20 degrees right now (our high today was 25) we are expecting snow anytime.

  134. Lovely quilt. I love the simplicity of the neutral fabrics and the way the words pop with color. And the addtions are fun too. The weather here in the Pacific Northwest has been strange. It snowed yesterday evening and part of today, and now I can see hints of blue sky....

  135. very nice words for2013! Thanks for being part of the hop. The weather is very cold for us in sunny California. We are down to 37 and 45 in day. Plus very windy.

  136. Yes I am a follower. Thanks

  137. I like your words" thanks for the tutorial.

  138. What perfect words you have chosen - I bet all of us would embrace those as our own! I'm in Arkansas in the U.S. and it has rained like crazy for two days and nights...we need the rain but I'll be glad for a little sunshine tomorrow. blessings, marlene

  139. Love the quilt ! And all such meaningful words!

  140. Just love your quilt! Great words...important to all of us! Thanks for the great giveaway!

  141. Love your quilt and those lovely words which we all need to do more or say more often. Thanks for sharing

  142. I live in Iowa, USA, and we're having a bit of a warmer spell (40s) and it's actually raining today. We're OK with rain since we've been in a drought throughout the summer. I read in the paper that it would take 8 FEET of snow to get us back to 'normal'!!! Loved, loved, loved your quilt and your words!! Just completely outstanding!

  143. The low volume with the words is pure genius. Also loving the additions of all your fave things. Gorgeous!

    Been ridiculously hot here. 40C for days on end. Ugh ugh ugh. Thankfully it's starting to cool down a little now, to give us a break before the next heatwave hits.

  144. Rosemary B here: absolutely wonderful. Love it love it love it.
    WOW. So sweet
    thank you for sharing your creativity.

  145. I'm a very happy follower. Keep those great posts headed my way!

  146. It has been a gray, rainy day here today. I'm looking forward to some sunshine soon, I hope. Thanks for sharing your words and for the amazing giveaway. I must say I hope I win....I'm loving the London fabric!

  147. You are right, those "words" should be both given and received, Lovely project- a real ode to paper peicing as well. Snow is melting her in Southern Ontario.

  148. what a lovely use of words and great quilts as well. thanks for sharing.... in stitches

  149. Winter here in Southern California means an occasional cool rainy day interrupts our beautiful weather. Today was cold and very windy with a little rain. Snow in our local mountains too. Welcome winter!

  150. WoW! You did an amazing job! Your quilt is gorgeous and your words are perfect! Love the bird above Love, hehe. Thank you for sharing your quilt with is, awesome job!

    Thank you for your giveaway and a chance to win. Love both your fabrics.


  151. I love your quilt - it's beautiful :)
    The weather here in Chicago is windy (as always) and rainy (unseasonably mild - I'll take it! better than the 's' word that shall not be uttered.... :D )

  152. What a pretty quilt!!!
    Here in the desert SW we are expecting a little bit of snow (hopefully only a few flurries!!!)

  153. Lovely quilt! I live in Australia, it's summer & we're sweltering through a heat wave, can't wait for autumn!

  154. Love the quilt top. It's a great idea to have a visual reminder of all the things you wish to give and receive–a great incentive to keep the resolutions going.

  155. We are having some unbelievably warmer weather for January! This weekend it's supposed to be almost up to 70 degrees! Unheard of in winter in January. We're in Virginia. I'd love to be included to win.

  156. your quilt top is gorgeous! I love the little bird and the funky flower.

    I'm in England too, Nottingham, the temperature has dropped all of a sudden. yesterday we had thick fog all day and into the evening.

  157. wow - that looks like a lot of thought went into the piecing and placing of your words

  158. Beautiful quilt top and your words are perfect! Winter here but we've only have snow once.

  159. First of all i would like to say I love your piecing work - wonderful. Second, the weather here today is 59 deg. but rain and snow tomorrow

  160. LOVE your words project! I'm just outside of Nashville, TN, and the weather is warming up (unseasonably so). We'll have springtime temperatures this weekend!

  161. I love your quilt! All the little quirky add ins are so adorable, especially the birdie. Wonderful job!

  162. Your quilt is charming and I agree that the low value is inspiring...what a great combination with the words. Thanks for sharing.

  163. This project is my favorite one so far. I love the low volume back ground. Well done!!

  164. Good words to live by and a great quilt to remind you of them. I think you have had a Texas weather report but here is another one, here in South Texas it has been rainy and cool. For us when the temps drop below the 50's we bundle up like it is freezing. So I have been cold all week but soon it will be warm spring like weather which is to my liking! I love the little bird perched on the edge of the letters.

  165. I love how you have done the words. I didn't know quilter's cache had any letters.

    The weather here in Iowa is cold and we are supposed to have snow. I can't complain, though, because it was unseasonably warm the last couple of days.

  166. alsoutely perfect, great wor(k)d`s
    thanks for sharing!

  167. yay for a fun wonderful quilt! (no need to put me in the giveaway - just wanted to PRAISE you!)

  168. Love your project! I love the mod flower :) I live in Michigan. At the beginning of January, it was freezing and felt like it was in the single digits (F). Today it was nearly 60 (F). I live about 30 minutes west of Detroit. We always say in Michigan, that you never know what the weather will be. It didn't snow much last year, and we already got about 8 inches in one storm already, so I'm over winter and looking for spring to start soon. But it can snow in late April here (and has). So you just never know.

  169. I"m already a follower. Thanks for the chance to win!

  170. Hello from Minnesota! It's 6 degrees F (-14C) here tonight and won't be much warmer for a couple of days...which I like because I fish year-round and that makes good ice to drive on. (Of course, it's always nice to come home and warm up in the sewing room!)

  171. Your words are very thoughtful. The weather in the Pacific Northwest is cold and without rain! No clouds, so I was able to see stars last night.

  172. GFC follower: nicolesender

  173. what a great quilt!! I can't wait to see how you quilt it... and I love the bird.

    Do you live in London?

    I hope you'll check out my daily blog.. my day is the last day

    Pat Sloan
    Radio show Host... The Voice of Quilting

  174. This is a fabulous word quilt!!! Nice job!

  175. Your quilt is STUNNING!! Thanks so much for taking the time to send me a link, it is just beautiful beyond words : )

  176. what a great fun quilt! Here in Ottawa we started the week with frostbite warnings and have ended with weather in the pluses lol

  177. I'm in northern Arizona (high elevation) which is getting blasted by some cold this week. -2F is the low tonight! Thank you for hosting this giveaway.


Yay and thank you for leaving me a comment!! I may not be able to reply back to each one but please know that I am very happy that you stopped in and took the time to leave me a comment!