
Wednesday 21 November 2012

WiP / Christmas in progress

Today snuck up on me and now it is nearly over!  Tomorrow is Thursday - WHERE has the week gone?  We are all saying that though aren't we!  Just over a month now to Christmas!!!  Thank goodness the weekend is nearly here as I have plans to go to two local Christmas craft fairs/fetes.  I like to support the small fairs - you know you can always find crazy tombolas and wild selections of bric-a-brac on offer, which always make me smile!

My Christmas sewing is coming along.  I am an hour or so away from completing these three hanging tea towels and have picked fabric for a fourth:

Once I have added the tea towel parts, I will make button holes and choose yummy buttons.  Two of the four are on their way as little pressies for [secret name] and [secret name] and one of them is for a custom order.  This is what they look like once completed (this one was made in July):

Once these are completed I can cross them off my 100 Day Hustle list. Yay! 

I've also been busy sewing Quirky bird Christmas tree ornaments.  I've made four so far.  I even splurged and bought some pinking shears [early Christmas pressie to myself -- Santa said that was ok] so the wings could be done neatly.  The wings on this little guy were done free-hand before I got the fancy scissors.

Linking to WiP Wednesday.



  1. You are in the swing for Christmas now. I need to catch up! Di x

  2. The tea towels are a great idea. Is it wrong, though, that I originally thought that first pic was a little rude? Sorry, maybe just me. ;)

  3. Lol, nearly wet myself at Erin's comment! Such a great idea though - looking fab!

  4. glad I'm not the only one that thought you were making willy warmers ;-)

  5. cool tea towels and cute birdies. Enjoy the craft fairs x

  6. OMG Charlotte is filthy ;-) Love the birds x

  7. Hahaha These women might be people I know, based on the comments here.

    Amy, I wanted to ask, do you use a tutorial or pattern for the towels? I remember that my mother received one like this as a gift, and it was something that she used for years until it fell apart. I am going to a book club meeting this weekend, and would love to whip one of these up for the host since she's putting me up for the night.


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