
Wednesday 17 October 2012

Christmas WiP's

I am working my way through my lists.  Slow and steady wins the race, so they say.  Not sure who exactly 'they' are though!!

This week I have been focusing on Christmas.  Only 68 days to go which means just 75 to the end of the year.  All I keep thinking is '100 Day Hustle'.  I have been trying to get my Vintage Holiday quilt done which needs to be 100% completed by tomorrow to be able to add it to the linky party over on Fabric Mutt.  Last night I was working on the quilting and Mr Toyota decided to have a tantrum.  Typical.  I decided to walk away from the sewing machine so not to ruin my nice Christmas quilt so I am trying to finish it up tonight.  Did I mention it is due tomorrow?  Yikes.  Nothing like a deadline to keep me motivated!  And the best bit if I do get it finished is that it will be completed in time for the holidays!  Here it is at the basting stage late Monday night:

I've also got three white balls on the go.

Lots of you guessed correctly - they are in fact going to become a snowperson.  These are the body parts which may [or may not] be for a Christmas decoration swap...  ;)  I've already made a Christmasy bird but I think it is too big for a Christmas tree so I'm making a different ornament/decoration.  My partner has a wide selection of favourites in her inspiration mosaic so I will eventauly make her something she loves, I hope!

Linking up to Freshly Pieced for WiP Wednesday.  Gotta run - must get this quilt done!!

Also linked to Shwin&Shwin.


  1. The Christmas quilt is looking fab. I hope that Mr Toyota is behaving tonight. Di x

  2. Naughty mr Toyota! Hope he's cooperating tonight

  3. A great looking quilt! I need to get my sew on to get some things finished up =D

  4. It's looking great, Amy! That quilt is on my list -- perfect for Christmas! Hope you'll link it up to TGIFF! for OctoberQuest.

  5. Love your vintage quilt - I need to get going on mine!

  6. I love this quilt...wonderful that you are going to finish for the holidays.

  7. ooh nice! but it's too early for xmas!!!

  8. Your Mojo is going great guns.. I think I must publish an online 'to do' list that will help keep me focused and on track.. Love that Chris***s quilt.. I have it all ready to go but it may not be this year..

  9. That quilt is looking wonderful! I've only made 9 of the blocks so far, so have got no chance of finishing it in time to link up!
    I hope Mr Toyota plays fair so you can get it done!


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