
Tuesday 18 September 2012

Stitchin' ~ WiP

On Saturday I went a-stitchin'. 

Yup, I drove to an embroidery workshop/class hosted by the wonderful Pennie of Thames Catering & Events and taught by Aneela Hoey herself!  How amazing is that!!?  The day included a SIGNED copy of her new book "Little Stitches".  I missed taking her class at Fat Quarterly Retreat so I didn't want to miss this opportunity to stitch with her and to have her new book!

The day was great - food, friends, fabric... what more could a girl want right?  I even learned a few things!  This is what we worked on:

First time filling in an area - time consuming but effective!

I have lots to do on it to catch up with everyone else who have already [ over achiever Kelly I won't name names] finished theirs!  I think the little girl on a swing is so darn cute!  It reminds me of my beautiful niece so if my sister thinks she would like this as a wee pillow for her bedroom for her birthday present, then that is who will receive this.  I should have made the dress pink to match her room... oops - should have thought of that before really.  Nevermind. 

So yes, another work in progress to add to my never ending list!  I do love my list though - lots of variety and projects in different stages -- an exciting list!  Linking to Fabric Tuesday, WiP Wednesday and TNT Thursday


  1. Ooh what a brilliant day. Pennie is a lovely lady and it must have been good to have Aneela on hand for advice and guidance (at your beck and call!). Di x

  2. yes, your sister would like's really cute, it does look like Becca!

  3. Looking good, Amy - should I send over some more brownies to help the finishing process along.... ;-)

  4. This is so pretty! I wish I could take a class with Aneela. I got the book last night and stitched up a London bus. So much fun!

  5. Sounded like a wonderful day! Don't worry your stitching looks beautiful!

  6. I just got that book and plan to have a good crack at embroidery for October. You are fortunate to have a special Aneela memory. She seems a very genuine and funny lady.

  7. I love this. I used it on a journal cover for a friend.

  8. Nice progress. I have yet to tackle the dress. I thought about making the dress pink too but will settle with a pink bow and matching pink shoes :)

  9. What a great sounding day! The embroidery is so cute! =D

  10. I love everything about this embroidery project. So cute!

  11. Gorgeous stitching!! A class with Aneela Hoey... jealous!!

  12. Wow, sounds like a fabulous workshop. How fun!!! Your embroidery looks adorable!!

  13. Amazing! This is super cute! Hope you share with us tomorrow at

  14. I'm popping in from Quilt Story. What a cute girl on a swing:). I love embroidery, especially when it intersects with quilting!


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