
Friday 21 September 2012

Softly Against Black - yay!

OH MY GOODNESS - I'm a finalist!!! 

Last week, Stitched in Colour had a mosaic linky called 'Softly Against Black' and I entered this mosaic:

...and I am a finalist!   I put together some of the yummiest greens, greys, a touch of teal and the coolest canvas fabric (bottom row with yellow on it ) called Yoshiko Jinzenji Beige Cotton Canvas from Fresh Modern Fabrics, and turned it into a fresh and subtle mosaic. 

So -- please feel free to pop over and VOTE FOR MINE - it sure would make me feel pretty special  (though being a finalist is pretty special anyways)!

Happy Friday night everyone!!!


Yay and thank you for leaving me a comment!! I may not be able to reply back to each one but please know that I am very happy that you stopped in and took the time to leave me a comment!