
Monday 24 September 2012

My date with a MOD

Tonight I had a date with a 'mod'... 

But you are a married woman I hear you say!!

Not to worry - it was with my Mod Sampler quilt [Oh Fransson free pattern].  I started this quilt in January and it is number one on my to-do list for Quilter in the Gap's 3rd Quarter Finish A Long, Lazy Bums UFO group and for the 100 Day Hustle... 

Tonight the 'mod' was ironed, a few seams were fixed and I de-threaded the back for an hour or so.

Then I got busy making the back.  Using some fun bright green Happy Drawing squiggles as my feature fabric, I added three of the spare blocks that didn't make it onto the front and I now have a set of floating squares in squares on the green surrounded by crisp white.  I will have to add more white along the two sides so it is big enough to baste and quilt - but I am slowly but surely getting there!

Terrible terrible terrible indoor photos - sorry! 
Plus it looks as though the lens is dirty too. 

Will this quilt be done for the end of the month?  I still have to complete the back, sandwich, baste, quilt [any suggesions?], decide on and make the binding then hand stitch it on, attach the label, and wash, dry and photograph it. 

Hmmm.... I hope so :)

Linking with the wonderful Fabric Tuesday and WiP Wednesday


  1. It looks great! when you list what still needs to be done like that, it does seem a lot, doesn't it??!!

  2. Oh it looks fab! Good luck getting it done :o)

  3. Ooh, it's looking good! Such a happy quilt.

  4. you can do it!!!!!!!!!!
    looks fab :-D

  5. That quilt pattern is great. I am cheering from the sidelines KNOWING that you can do it! Di x

  6. This is so bright and cheery Amy. And the back is great! You get bonus points for quilting it yourself - mine is going to the long armer.

  7. it looks top, Amy. I love it! I've always worked that the first week of the following month counts as the current month, for finish purposes ;)

  8. It looks great! Good to see you making more progress on it. Good luck =D

  9. It's looking great! So bright and cheerful!

  10. Looks great can't wait to see the finished quilt

  11. That is a gorgeous pattern, I look forward to seeing it at the next meeting - Is this your UFO?


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