
Monday 10 September 2012

Dots on Dots Blog Hop

Happy Monday everyone - and welcome to the Dots on Dots Blog Hop ~ and my giveaway!  A huge thank you to cheerleaders Sew we Quilt and Quilt Taffy for organising us all!!  The full Dots on Dots Blog Hop schedule can be found by clicking here.

I love dots.  I love fabric.  So it is only natural that I love dots on fabric!!  Dotty fabrics are the best stash builders and come in so many variations!  When I went through my stash of yummy dotty fabrics, I kept coming back to these four fresh and happy fabrics in my favourite colours so I decided I should make a Cathedral Window block - something that I have wanted to make for ages and would showcase these dots nicely!    

I got the inspiration for the 12" block from the Modern Blocks book and found the tutorial for that block here in a very easy to follow tutorial as I needed just a few more visuals to complete it.  Practice makes perfect on sewing curves (and I still need some practice), but overall I am very pleased with my final result!  

The 'windows' in this block make the perfect frames to highlight these dotty fabrics.  Against the Kona Coal they are fresh and happy and I am looking forward to hanging it in my sewing space once I add some hanging tabs.  
I wonder what everyone else has made?  Be sure to check out these Dots on Dots Blog Hop participants today:
September 10th
[Amy's] Crafty Shenanigans ~ you are here


Now for my giveaway!!  I was thrilled and quite amazed at the response to my Quilting Gallery Blog Hop giveaway last week.  Thank you to everyone who entered and became a new follower - you guys are amazing!  It also means I now have more than 200 followers so let's celebrate again with another giveaway!  This giveaway bundle is inspired by the colours of autumn/fall. 

The complete prize bundle includes:  one FQ of orange striped Oakshott fabric, vintage fabric with little white DOTS, five co-ordinating vintage buttons, some vintage binding and vintage lace PLUS handmade [by me!] Zakka ribbon, a handmade [by me!] plaid drawstring gift baggie and a card-craft magazine!

To enter, please leave ONE comment telling me what your favourite 'autumn/fall' memory from childhood is.  Mine would be 'posing' for our back to school photo on the driveway with our brand new lunch boxes!  This giveaway is open to everyone near or far and you don't have to be a follower to enter [but it would be super nice of you if you were!].  Random number generator {or similar} will pick a winner on the 17th of September so be sure I have a way to contact you!!  I will re-draw if I don't hear from the winner after two days.   

Thank you for stopping in to the Dots on Dots Blog Hop today and good luck in the giveaway!  Don't forget to visit the other blogs throughout the rest of the Blog Hop! 

Happy sewing and I hope to see you again soon!

Linked to Sew Happy Geek ~ Manic Monday 


  1. My favorite memory is definitely jumping into piles of raked up leaves. I'm sure whoever raked them up wasn't thrilled, but I had fun.

  2. Very nice dots! I just liked the start of school. Thanks

  3. My favorite memory is getting back on the river for the fall rowing season. The fall season has longer races 5-8 kilometers compared to the spring and summer sprint seasons. These days, it's feeling happy that I can spend cold, blustery afternoons sitting at my sewing machine:

  4. My favorite Autumn memory is going to the very small park by my house after all the leaves had turned yellow and had fallen off the trees. I scrunched my way to the swings and swung for an hour or so. The day was cool and crisp but sunny. It was a good time.

  5. My favorite was Halloween. My grandma was born on October 13 which was a Friday. She always said she was a witch. She always made it super fun

    1. Hey, me, too (October 13 birthday; not the witch part)! :)

  6. My favorite fall memory would be crunching through piles of leaves while trick-or-treating! :)

  7. The leaves of fall...crunching them under foot and the sound they'd make as the wind would whisk them along the street, especially at night.
    Thank yuou for the chance at some fabulous-ness =)

  8. Fall memory, would be biking back to school in Holland, and seeing the sun come thru the early morning clouds with all kinds of streamers, and making the world look festive! Thanks for the chance to win your giveaway. We are at the bottom end of Sunday while I'm writing this! Nice cathedral windows, btw!

  9. My favorite fall memory was going as a family to pick out a pumpkin every year!

  10. As a kid trick or treating was the best.

  11. My favorite memory is raking up piles of leaves so that my brothers,sister and I could run and jump into them! The raking part not so much tho ;)

  12. Love your block. I was 10 when I saw my first quilt. My aunt was doing a cathedral window. My favorite fall memory is going with my dad to help rake leaves at "an old ladies" house. Just the two of us-together time.

  13. Amy,
    I love your block! Simply stunning! I always loved raking and jumping into the giant pile of leaves and watching our dog playing in them too! Thanks for the giveaway!

  14. Love your block...would make a great pillow! Favorite autumn memory would have to be going trick or treating down the streets of San Francisco and coming home with bags of candy :)

  15. I have to say getting costumes feady for Halloween was the best part. I always made/put together my costumes :)

  16. It's got to be long walks through crunchy autumn leaves, kicking them everywhere and collecting the biggest leaves to put in our scrap books. Great give away - I love that you are giving away some of the lace you made yourself xx

  17. Love your cathedral window block, the dots look so good with the grey. Fall is such a great time for carmel apples and kettle corn - now those are good memories!

  18. Your cathedral window pillow is lovely! I'm smitten by greys these days and the Kona Charcoal made the perfect frame for the bright dots.
    My favorite autumn memory is of filling pails with dry-hard china berries and having china berry wars with my brothers. What fun it was to pelt my brothers with rapid-fire berries!

  19. I love your cathedral windows, the dots look brilliant against the grey. Would make a fabulous cushion.

  20. collecting (and hoarding) conkers, definitely. That to me is the essence of autumn. And I love the block - cathedral windows are lovely!

  21. My childhood memory of autum is of kicking through piles of leaves and the smell of bonfires. Di x

  22. Bright cheerful dots! I like your cathedral window pillow!

  23. I love your block - lovely colours - I have never tried cathedral windows but they look very effective dont they - I will have to have a go one day! My favourite children memory is running and kicking through the autumn leaves in our garden - something I am still lucky enough to do now I am 45 when I help out at forest school with my youngest son!

  24. Oooh just noticed that you live in London - did you get a chance to go to the olympics? I tried to get tickets just to go to the park during the last week of the school holidays but couldnt.

  25. I love your cathedral windows. So very neatly done. Mine always end up wonky (I tend to make 4 for every one that is acceptable)! My favourite memory has to be kicking those crisp, brown and red leaves around! It has not happened much though, since it mostly rains in autumn......

  26. I never tried those Cathedral Windows but you might give me the kick. Ideal to showcase beloved prints!
    Autumn memories? I remember the smell of 'potato fires'. After harvesting the fruit the dry leaves where piled on the field and burned down. Leftover potatoes on a stick where cooked (and burned to black!) at the fire.
    Regina in Germany

  27. Those Cathedral windows are just perfect, they look great! I have to do a cathedral window sample for my coursework at some stage, I think I might use dots too! Thanks for the give away. My memories are of going to fireworks night near my grandma's house on a crisp autumn evening - it was great!

  28. Such a cute block, would love to have it as a pillow! Best autumn memory has to be playing around with the dried leaves on the floor (I still love doing that)!

  29. I love your cathedral windows they are so cute. I have never tried to make them, but of course I will now. And I have the book too.
    My memories from my childhood in the Swedish country side, which should I take. Now I know, when i was together with my friend Margaretha, who was a daughter to a farmern, picking potatoes after the tractor. And then resting with sandwiches and hot chocolate. The air was so crisp and fresh.

  30. Your cathedral windows are great and the dots work really well. My best autumn memories are playing with the dried leaves. I still love walking through the leaves and kicking them up.

  31. Hi Amy love the dotty block and a lovely Giveaway, thanks for sharing. My fall memory is going back to school and as you step out the door there is a nip in the air. Susie x

  32. Hi Amy, I love your's just perfect, have bookmarked the tut, cos I love them but always think EEEK can't do that :) Wonderful giveaway too. My memory was being on the streets as a kid in the local town trying to raise money for fireworks doing " penny for the guy"

  33. I remember when we used to rake up all the leaves and we could burn them back then. I guess that makes me old. lol

  34. Our little town celebrated on Labor Day and that always was my favorite thing. Love all the dots.

  35. Your Cathedral Window block is so pretty! I have a friend who made a king sized one once. Never for me... :)

    My favorite fall memory is granddaddy raking up all of the leaves so we could run and jump in them! I had a wonderful granddaddy!

  36. Good Morning Amy, your dotty cathedral block is lovely, yes it is...very well executed .. Glad to have you join us this

  37. Amy I so love your cathedral window. I have made several quilts with this technque but never in gray!
    My favorite all memory is the coziness falls brings with it getting darker earlier.

  38. I love your dotty cathedral windows - I have never tried them!
    My fave memory is all the new stationery we got for going back to school! even now, with no children at school any more I like to buy myself new pens and notebooks!

  39. My favorite childhood memory of fall is walking in the woods at my grandmother's farm - all the beautiful and crunchy leaves - sitting in a pile of them & having a daddy-long-legs crawl over me. Thanks for sharing your pretty cathedral windows.

  40. Love your dot block! I have never tried this block, but it will now be on my todo list. Favorite fall memory, helping my Mother with some of her canning, making pickles in particular. Thanks for being part of the hop.

  41. Jumping in the leaves!

    homemakerhoney@ gmail .com

  42. Freshly made apple cider from the local apple orchard! YUM!!

    Love your "dots" new spin on the windows. Thanks for the fun!

  43. Your block is gorgeous Amy, well done!
    My favorite memory which I hated at the time was to go and pick up apples with my parents to make some cider

  44. Wonderful project! My favorite memory is going to a fall festival and drinking warm cider.

  45. love your block! so cute. I have fond memories of trick or treat in costumes hand made by mom, filling up pillowcases with candy!

  46. My favorite fall memory was attending the local fall fair (exhibition) seeing all the animals and craft displays , still love that today . Love your dotty block!

  47. Love the dotty pillow - Kona coal works so well. WOnderful project you shared with us today and thank you. Oh, childhood memory - that's a long time ago - I loved raking leaves, so you could jump in them! Now I share that with the grandkids (I don't jump anymore).

  48. One of my favourite memories is kicking over the fallen leaves to find the walnuts that had fallen too.

  49. The smells of autumn! In Illinois, when I was a kid, before we knew about pollution, we would rake leaves and burn them! A great odor on a chilly day!

  50. Love your project...beautiful colors together! Nice give away too. Thanks for the chance! I have started following...aren't blogs so fun to share and see what others do? Let's see, my favorite fall memory is campfires when you feel good with the warmth of the fire in the cool those cool weather fires...

  51. Rosemary B here: just beautiful. Love the block. I do not know how you made it but it is the prettiest I have ever seen.

    My favorite childhood memory of Fall is getting all of the new supplies for school, including the new pinchy shoes that gave me a blister on the back of my heel. I loved getting a new lunchbox and the pencil box too

    Thanks for sharing your creativity and for the fun give away!!

  52. Love your work! I always liked picking up pecans with my great grandfather!

  53. Love the project! Fall childhood memory would be walking to school,kicking through the fallen leaves

  54. I just love your block. It's beautiful!! My favorite fall memory is racking huge piles of leaves in our back yard. Then jumping in the piles or hiding inside the piles. Loved that!!!

  55. Amy I would never have thought of making a cathedral window block but it's just perfect for showing off your dots fabrics. The gray was a great choice for the background. A fall memory - picking up hickory nuts in our backyard, then raking the leaves under that tree into lines that formed the "walls" of my house. My sister's house was right next door. :) We played dolls for hours out there! blessings, marlene

  56. I LOVE the cathedral window block with the dark gray! It's gorgeous!!!
    I am following you now.

  57. I love cathedral window as a pattern and you made yours look so good! Now I want one of my own! :) I love how the colors pop in the block. My favorite fall memory is making hot apple cider with my mom while canning the last of the fresh vegetables from the garden. The house always smelled so good! Thanks for the chance to win a great giveaway!

  58. My favorite memory was our back to school tea. My mom, grandmom and aunt would meet me after school and we would have tea and cookies or cake. I did the same thing with my kids and they had such fun. I love your cathedral windows. I haven't gotten up the nerve to try them yet but they are so pretty. i am also glad to see all the dots. I just started liking them a year ago so am looking forward to seeing what everyone has done.

  59. Good morning Amy, your cathedral window block is awesome. This is something I've always wanted to try. I love how your dot block looks, great job! As a child we had a number of fruit trees in our back yard, 3 pears, 2 plums and a cherry. It was always a fun time picking the pears in late August and early September...and there were lots and lots leaves to play in by early October. Thanks for sharing, I'm another new follower. Happy stitching!!

  60. Someday I will try cathedral windows -- they always look so great! My favorite fall memory is making huge leaf piles with my sister and closest friends and jumping into them from the porch railing! Leaf piles could fill entire days with fun! Thank you for the chance to win!

  61. Great block. I have been wanting to try this by hand; but now I have to try it bay machine too. Thanks. My favorite fall memory is Easter. yes, I grew up in the south hemisphere; and the flower that I remember is poinsettias at Easter.

  62. Your cathedral window is beautiful but it scares me to try - on that "one Day list". My favorite fall memory is of my husband and david playing in the leaves when david was about 18 months. I took pic after pic of them that day. My men! Thank you and I am a follower.

  63. Your block looks so pretty, I'll just have to try one! My favourite fall memory is going back to school with all those shiny new supplies, and yes, the new lunch box!

  64. It looks like you did a great job...cathedral windows is not the easiest of patterns.


  65. I have always loved the Cathedral Window pattern and this one is so pretty.

    My favorite fall memory is jumping in a pile of leaves that my dad would rake. I can still recall the fresh smell.

  66. Super giveaway. Favourite memory is that special smell of fall - dust, warm sun, falling leaves, etc. Just that special essence that is fall. Thanks for the oportunity

  67. Your Block Is beautiful!!! I have always wanted to try one. I am a chicken!!! The colors are spot on :) My Favorite fall memory.... Driving to Multnomah Falls with my Mom to see all the leaves change....really special.

  68. great project....and nice giveaway...I loved getting the new books and clothes for school....starting fresh!!

  69. I love your block and always enjoyed the school carnival held in the fall. Thanks for the giveaway!

  70. Cathedral Window block reminds me of my mother who made her very first quilt using this block! She had to pick something hard! I still have the quilt and cherish it. So I have a special love for your block! The Giveaway is super nice too! I'm a follower
    Gmama Jane

  71. The cathedral window was a great idea! It is really cute. I learned to make this block in my quilt club, but I have never done anything with it. You have inspired me to get it back out and finish it in a tablerunner!

    My favorite fall memory as a child: I grew up on a farm, so there are many. I loved having wiener roasts, but I also loved harvest time. I would ride with my dad on the combine and tractor.

  72. Hi!!! Your curves look great!!! Very pretty!!!! I always loved bobbing for apples!!! Did youall do that!!!!? Thanks for the reminder I had almost forgotten!!!

  73. I love your block! What an original idea, and your giveaway is great!

  74. Love cathedral window blocks, but have never had the guts to try them.
    My favorite fall memory? The homemade caramel and candy apples at the fall festivals. Yummy!

  75. I have always liked Cathedral Windows. You color choices are just right! Thanks for the Giveaway.

    My favorite childhood Fall memory is jumping in the piles of fallen leaves. It was also kind of nice to hear leaves crunch under my feet as I played outside.

  76. always loved going to the pumpkin patch!

  77. Oh, Halloween, for certain! I loved having chance to escape into the fantasy of being a princess or fairy or other creature!

  78. Great Cathedral Windows block! My favorite childhood Fall memory is apple picking..thanks for the sweet giveaway.

  79. I've wanted to try the cathedral windows block, one of these days I will do just that. I used to love to rake the leaves up and jump into them when I was a kid.

  80. Great block! I love dots too!
    My favorite memory are fall picnics with my mom and dad. Mom made fried chicken and all the trimmings and packed them in a box placed in the trunk of the car. I could smell that chicken all the way and couldn't wait to get to the park to eat.

  81. I have always love that block. My favorite memory are going to the fair in York, PA and after about 10 or 15 years, I was able to take a bus trip there just his pass weekend. I really brought back memories.

  82. I like this little wall hanging. I think you did a very good job on your first try! I'm a follower too!


  84. oops! i forgot my fall memories! I always loved going through the apple orchard and picking a fresh yellow apple to eat!

  85. Fall memories are of Santa Ana winds blowing first hot then later in fall cold. I remember one cold one the wind blew so hard, we had a fire in the fire place and Dad was home, a good memory.

  86. What I loved most about autumn and still do is pumpkin soup (with coconut milk) and mushrooms... Yummy!!!

  87. What I loved most about autumn and still do is pumpkin soup (with coconut milk) and mushrooms... Yummy!!!

  88. I love your dottie cathedral block! it really makes the fabric stand out :)
    Thanks for sharing

  89. Great block!! This hop is really fun. =)

  90. My favorite fall memory is snuggling under the quilt on the couch reading scary books. I LOVE the cathedral window,VERY pretty.

  91. I love the smell of spice in the air, fall colors when visiting the east coast and most of all, Halloween and Thanksgiving, because I get to visit all my friends and eat yummy foods with my family. Thank you for sharing. I have been wanting to make a catheral block and now is the time. Judith, Texas

  92. Amy-Love your Cathedral Window block and thanks for the link to the tutorial. The grey contrast really makes your color selection stand out. I have also been wanting to make that block and now that I am doing the Craftsy BOM I am looking for traditional and modern blocks to add and make the quilt larger for a gift. I guess my favorite fall memory was dressing up and going trick-or-treating at Halloween.

  93. Oooooh... I love cathedral windows and combining them with dots, makes this just project perfect, in my opinion!

    Crisp morning air and warm sunny afternoons are my favourite childhood memories of autumn.

    Thanks so much for sharing and being a part of the hop!

  94. My favorite fall rememberance is going to the lake to see the reflections of the changing of the trees. We would take a short hike and end with hot dogs and smores.

  95. I favorite fall rememberance would be traveling down from Ontario to New Brunswick with mt parents and four brothers, stopping for picnics by a river , going swimming. etc. Thanks for your sharing quilts. They are lovely.

  96. One of my favorite fall dad tell ghost stories in front of the fireplace.

  97. Your cathedral windows showcases the dots perfectly! Living in a small town, Halloween was the best of Fall. All the stores gave out candy, and there was a costume contest. Thank you for sharing and the fantastic giveaway.

  98. Beautiful block. Thanks for sharing it with us Dottie people.

  99. lovely work thanks for sharing! fav fall memory hmm jumping into piles of leaves at my grandmas :)

  100. I remember raking up the leaves in this big park, and making the hugest pile of leaves to jump into.. Man it was REALLY huge! We have a huge group of neighbor kids show up to help with the raking and the jumping, and had such a fun time!

  101. I remember haircuts. Off to the salon for a new haircut. Sometimes was the new style I'd wear for months.

  102. I love the block that you chose, but I hadn't thought to use dots in the windows. It is very striking.
    One of my favorite Fall memories is playing in the leaves while helping my mom rake them.
    Thanks for the giveaway.(Love vintage items)

  103. Spending the day working and playing outside, then finishing up with a campfire and hotdogs! Thanks for the chance to win!

  104. my favorite fall childhood memory is this.. my parents home has a huge yard with lots and lots of trees, after they'd start to fall I used to take the rake and 'build' a house.. Rake the leaves into rooms complete with leaf beds & couches. :)

  105. Love the dotted windows--very nice! I'm so glad you hopped with us today. :O)

  106. Love the cathedral windows. I want to try that some day.
    Fav fall memory is going to the apple orchard with my parents and siblings, picking bushels of apples and a picnic lunch afterwards.

  107. My sister and I helping rake huge amounts of Sugar Maple Leaves. We'd get them into a huge pile and jump into them!


  108. getting new clothes to go back to school i follow you thanks

  109. My best memory when I was a child in the fall would the first time of the year going figure skating... it was always extra special when I had 'new' skates!! I can still smell the arena... sigh!

  110. Just me sitting in the leaves with crisp humid free air.

  111. My favorite fall memory is my grandfather surprising us after school with a H U G E pile of leaves in the back yard. We would jump off the porch and disappear in them.

  112. I lived in Florida for my childhood, so we didn't really have much of a 'Fall'. But, I'd say my favorite autumn memory was Trick or Treating..and the rare cold snaps when at 55° you were freezing.

    Since moving to Maine 10 years ago, I know better.
    55° is jeans and a t-shirt weather :P

  113. Thanks for sharing your cathedral window quilt does frame the dots well! My favorite fall memory as a child is new school supply and clothes shopping! Thanks!

  114. Love your block, gorgeous!!Cathedral window is in my to do list.My favorite fall memory is making piles of leaves at school .

  115. My favorite fall memory is going to the cider mill when I was a child for donuts and apple cider...back when the mills still bottled their own cider. I used to love to watch the presses at work!

  116. Homecoming parades! Our little town's homecoming is this Friday. The school band is practicing every morning. So fun to remember getting outside during the school day.

  117. A favorite Fall memory from my childhood is camping and campfires-- roasting hot dogs and toasting marshmallows!! One of my most favorite aromas is the smell of a campfire!!! :-) Thank you so much for the chance to win your bundle of Fall goodies! :-)

  118. My favorite fall memory from New England is raking up the leaves and burning them. (well my parents and siblings did that, I was pretty young). while the fires were burning the leaves, my bestie, Lynda, and I would put some walnuts at the edge of the fire and roast them. Then roll them out, let them cool a bit and crack them open. YUMM so good. Whenever I smell leaves burning, I think of those roasted walnuts!!

    Congrats on your 200+ followers and the chance to win your blog candy.

  119. Very nice Cathedral window! My favorite Fall memory is jumping into the piles of crackly leaves with my sisters and my cousins.

  120. My favorite fall memory is watching all the leaves change and fall off the trees and then jumping in them!

  121. I love the how the gray makes the windows just POP!

    raking leaves and jumping in them, carving pumpkins- the aroma of the slimy seeds, mom's pumpkin pie (with only canned pumpkin, nothing else- still telling the story! after 30 years)
    Now: taking the kidlets to the castle and dressing up!

  122. Love your block!! My favorite is taking my kids to the pumpkin patch when they were little and letting them pick their own to carve up (or help dad carve it)!!

  123. I loved playing in the leaf piles.

  124. My fav is Thanksgiving DAY.
    hope to see ya on my dots to dots day ! ..

  125. My favorite memory is collecting leaves and ironing wax paper onto them so we could keep them. Love your cathedral window block very creative.

  126. Love your cathedral windows!!!! My favorite memory of autumn is raking leaves into a huge pile just to jump on the pile and scatter them again!

  127. Favotite Fall memory? Being very young, carefree and playing outside smelling burning leaves just before coming in to eat dinner. Wonderful Fall memories! Love your block! It could easily be a favorite of mine!

  128. You've done that wonderful cathedral window that keeps calling to me. One of these days, I'm going to make one. Love your choice of the gray background with the dots.
    My favorite memory is definitely...burning leaves. Yes, they actually let you burns your leaves a few - ummm, I mean many - years ago. You just put them in the street and started a fire! As a child, you needed to watch that you didn't ride your bike over smoldering leaves. Yikes!

  129. Amy your block is awesome! Thanks for sharing and for offering up some of your handmade goodies for a giveaway!!

  130. Oh my goodness, that's a stunning block. I love the grey background on the cathedral windows--modern and regal! I'm happily a new follower and my favorite fall memory is the crisp, clean mornings of fall. My sisters and I would wait for the bus in the cool air, grateful for the relief from the Louisiana heat.
    Thanks for the giveaway!

  131. You picked one of my favourite blocks. Cathedral windows looks lovely with dots. Thanks for a chance in your giveaway. I always was excited to go back to school and I loved shopping for all the new school supplies.

  132. I love your Cathedral Windows! I took a class and made a little wall hanging that's hanging in my sewing room, but mine didn't look as good as yours. But it was the first thing I made that I *loved* if you know what I mean.

    My favorite memory is not from childhood, but from now--hope that's okay! I love lighting the jack-o-lanterns with my kids the first night after we carved them.

  133. The "windows" are just beautiful! My memory of autumn is driving up in the hills just to see the colors of the trees and collecting the biggest, most colorful leaf I could find!

  134. Raking up and jumping in the piles of leaves! Excellent windows! You are brave to give them a try!

  135. getting back to school and sharing summer holiday activities with your friends.....
    in stitches

  136. I have always wanted to make those. Yours are so pretty!

  137. Growing up in Calif we didn't have much of a change of seasons, and I distinctly remember my freshman year of college when I went to the midwest, and saw the leaves change for the first time in my life...such a kaleidoscope of colors!!

  138. Wonderful block! Back to school time is my favorite memory of fall ... friends, books, and memories to be made. Thank you so much and great job!!

  139. My favorite childhood memory of fall was knowing that after hours and hours at the sewing machine, Mom had 5 new dresses for each one of us girls to start school with. We picked them out of the catalog and then Mom made them. I know they were way better then those store bought dresses. :) RIP Mom, been thinking about you a lot this week.

  140. Your Cathedral windows block looks beautiful with the dots! My favorite childhood memory of fall is making huge piles of leaves in the yard and playing in them with my brothers! Wonderful giveaway!

  141. Watching the multitude of coloured leaves...its as if GOD has gone on a painting spree with His giant paint brush!


  142. I love your cathedral window block. You are right, it really does showcase those cute dotty fabrics. My fall memory from childhood would be that at the beginning of each school year I got a new pair of shoes -- either penny loafers or saddle oxfords. They alternated each year. Thanks for the chance to win the fabulous giveaway.

  143. Wow, your cathedral windows is gorgeous, you're right, the dots go perfectly.

    My favourite autumn memory? Probably family evenings in front of the TV when it's all dark outside.

  144. My favorite memory would be trick or treating in 2nd grade. My mom made me this amazing raggedy ann costume and I carried my own raggedy ann with me.....everyone gave me two pieces of for me and one for my "friend!"

  145. For me it is visiting vermont one year when the leaves were turning and the whole place was a riot of color. I loved it!

  146. Each fall, my grandfather and his best friend would get both extended families together for a huge bar-b-que of goat. The smells and foods were amazing. After eating, grandfather would hitch his big wagon to the tractor and take all of those who wanted to ride on a hay less hay ride.

  147. The memory is the kicking the fallen leaves which I still do today, I'm a new follower and thanks for the fun giveaway.

  148. I love your Cathedral Windows, just perfect. My favorite memory was when I got my drivers license and all my fiends would climb into my dads station wagon, (54 Ford) and we would go to the football games. I drove 14 kids one time. It was a blast.

  149. This comment has been removed by the author.

  150. My best Fall memory is raking leaves into a ditch in front of our house and jumping into the ditch to pack them down. We had a two acre yard with many trees, the ditch was 4 feet deep. It took many jumps before Daddy burned the leaves.

  151. I love your block, the colors really pop against the dark gray. My favorite Fall memory is going shopping for school supplies, especially the new box of crayons! Thanks for the giveaway.

  152. I love the cathedral pattern with the dots, really striking! My favorite memories involve the huge piles of leave we raked. We had a large country lot, and loved jumping in the piles and throwing them at one another, When we finally tired of it, we raked them back up and had the season's end bonfire. Of course we had dogs and bugs and all the usual country critters, so the idea of jumping in those leaves kind of creeps me out, but it was a lot of fun back then!

  153. Congrats on your follower numbers! I'm visiting from the Modern Scrappy Bits favourite autumn memory is getting cinnamon toast and hot milo for afternoon tea on school days!

  154. Believe it or not, my favorite memories from the autumn season is raking up leaves! We used to rake them into a huge pile and jump in the pile scattering the leaves everywhere! Of course, we had to rake them up again, but heck, it was FUN!

  155. I love the block! I especially like the background fabric and have found I've been using a lot more charcoal lately. :-) My favorite childhood memory of Fall is all the wonderful things we did outdoors not realizing it was actually work. We rakes leave and then played in them. We cleared the garden of plant debris and burned the brush (along with the leaves) and had GREAT bonfires which included roasting hot dogs and marshmallows. We still do these things, but the raking is kind of a pain now and the kids must be smarter now because they've all figured out it's work and not just fun. :-)

  156. Oh I love your cathedral windows block! It is better than any other example of a cathedral window that I have seen, including in a book! You have really outdone yourself this time Ms Shenanigans.

    Re: autumn - I think it is the first smell of burning wood or a leftover bonfire in the morning walking to school. Especially on a nice, crisp autumn day.

    I have got 2 Hallowe'en patterns that I am still collecting fabrics for - the biggest problem I have is finding the right black / brown for the background. So they will have to wait until next year - but (like many other things) they are on my list!

  157. The cathedral window block is super, I have always wanted to try it but find it a little intimidating. My favourite autumn memory that sticks out is making toffee for toffee apples with my gran every bonfire night (November 5th). Thank you for the giveaway.

  158. Wonderful workmanship on your cathedral dots. I love your gray background.

  159. I love doing cathedral Window blocks. They look wonderful with dots!

  160. Nunca fiz catedral,vou ver qual é...Limpeza das folhas todos os sábados e fogueira depois,minha avó assava batatas doces e nos servia com sorvete de creme...gosto de infâ

  161. A fall memory? There are so many. LOL. Harvest parties, jumping in the leaves, picking apples and making sauce, the cooler weather...I can't pick just one.


  162. Love the giveaway! That fabric is gorgeous!
    My favourite memory is kicking leaves and the great thing is I get to do it every year :) Oh and collecting conkers :)

  163. cathedral window is a block I have wanted to try, but I am so afraid that I will mess them up...

  164. I just love your block. I can see that as a pillow in my front room. My favorite fall memory as a child is getting ready for school. Mom always made us kids new clothes and we got to choose the fabrics and patterns. That is when my love of sewing started.

  165. I am a follower ;) I love thinking about marching bands in the fall. I used to be in one. Nothing like a great high school football game and wearing a windbreaker :)

  166. I love your block! I've always wanted to try the Cathedral Windows so appreciate the link you gave that you used to make yours. Thanks for sharing, awesome job! My favorite fall memory is going school shopping. We got new clothes, school supplies, school shoes and gym shoes.

    Thank you for a super giveaway and a chance to win. I'm also a new follower.


  167. I always loved fall - the start of a new school year, school supplies shopping and getting new clothes.

  168. I love your cathedral window block. It's beautiful with the gray background.

  169. I love the cathedral window block. I'm featuring it today on my blog! Hope you link up again!

  170. I adore your cathedral window block. Great idea!

    My favorite fall memory was getting married in the fall of 1974. It was unseasonably cool for that time of year. My husband is from Oklahoma and had never been to West Virginia. I told him that it would still be warm. Well, it frosted while we were at my folks that week. He's very tall and couldn't wear any of my brother's warm clothes. I felt so badly about the advice. It was beautiful weather and his parents made the trip from Oklahoma, too!

  171. Your block is beautiful!!! Thanks for sharing.

  172. My favorite Memory of Fall, as a child....Has to be playin' in the leaves & gatherin' buckeyes, to make necklaces with! GREAT Fun!

    I'm a new Follower too! & Thanks for chance to win such a cooool drawing! :)

  173. Wonderful block! My favorite fall memory is Trick or Treating for the first time 'after dark' alone with my friends. We had some much fun!

  174. My favorite fall memory is going to the mountains and hiking with my family and gathering hickory nuts through the beautiful yellow leaves. Your cathedral block is beautiful. Thanks for the chance at the giveaway.

  175. Adorable block--I've looked at that cathedral block one hundred times but I've never had the courage to try it. Yours is beautiful!! (no giveaway entry for me; I live too far!)

  176. Cathedral window is definitely on my to do list - it features those dots very well. My favorite fall memory has to be waking up to the smell of woodsmoke in the air, meaning mom was already up and there was a fire in the cook stove to take the chill out of the kitchen and to prepare a hot breakfast before school.

  177. You're right. The windows are the perfect frame. Very nice!

  178. Beautiful Cathedral Windows... well done! It is on my ever growing to-do/try list!
    Late to the hop (and give-away... that's okay) but I am a new follower.
    Thanks for joining in the fun. Love meeting new bloggers during these hops.

  179. Amy, I LOVE your cathedral windows! (just now having time to go back and check out the whole dots on dots hop) Apparently you and I have very similar taste, as this technique is something I've always wanted to do but haven't gotten to yet. Seeing your beautiful ones here...I'll have to move that higher on my priority list!


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