
Thursday 6 September 2012

Another WiP Wednesday!

Once again I find myself at Wednesday night [though it is now actually Thursday!].  Been busy the last couple of nights nursing a migraine.  The naps I've been having to conquer the migraine when I come in from work have thrown my bedtime schedule off so I'm not sleeping much either.  Not a fun combination. 

Not much sewing to share either... except for the little bit that I did tonight for the Sailor Mouth Swap:

Rude words on other side and inside. 
This little Zakka fabric basket is done but I still have the big item to do for the swap and it all needs to be in the post on Saturday.  I've already apologised to the group that I may be a little late sending... 

Still deciding on the sashing for my Vintage Holiday Quilt and keeping up with that QAL.  Soooo behind in the Great Granny QAL but have some Parson Grey charms to make a few more great grannies with.  And for the Dots on Dots Blog Hop on Monday, I am working on a block to share with you all (and there will be a giveaway so please do come back!!).

Keeping it short tonight - see you later!

Linking to WiP Wednesday and September finishes and QED on the 15th.

Color Me Quilty


  1. I think it's a pretty relaxed swap group, so I wouldn't stress too much ;o) Hope your migraines settle down - I had my first one a few weeks ago and they're bloody horrible!

  2. aieee migranes :-( I hope you are all better xx

  3. hope you feel better soon - how you're carrying on sewing and working with a migraine, I do not know. Take it easy, girly :-)

  4. Did how you feel about the migraine help you come up with the rude words for the Sailor Mouth swap?

  5. Hope all the sewing goes well and the migraine eases up soon.=D

  6. I love that basket! Sorry to hear about the migraines.

  7. Hope you're feeling better now. Your basket is lovely :)


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