
Monday 20 August 2012

I am determined!

I am determined

I have set myself a challenge goal of getting my Brit Quilt Swap 3 'mini quilt' finished by this Friday so I can share it with you because this Friday is an exciting one....  I will be the host of TGIFF.  How cool is that!??  TGIFF means Thank goodness it's Finished Friday and it is a super linky party where you can share a finish and get all sorts of inspiration from all the other finishes that are linked up! 

So -- are you feeling determined to get something finished for Friday?  Perhaps one of your UFO's (unfinished object) or one of your PhD's (project half done)?  I would love to see what you have finished this week so please do come back and link up!!

See you Friday!!


  1. oooh, how cool! I wish I had some time to finish something this week!

  2. When does a UFO become a PhD? Or does a PhD become a UFO? Maybe we could have a DIL - Deadline Is Looming - or a BABO - Basting And Binding Outstanding?

    For my part, unless there is a shift in the Space Time Continuum this week, I have close to no chance of finishing anything by Friday. But I have done a little hand sewing tonight. Every little helps!

  3. I'm hoping if my order comes through I can get my project done by the end of the week =D

  4. Go Amy go! Will check back on Friday! Di x

  5. Thanks for visiting Bindu Blogs( I love your quilt. It is very pretty. I don't know quilting. I will come back to read your past blog entries and hope to see more newer posts too.


Yay and thank you for leaving me a comment!! I may not be able to reply back to each one but please know that I am very happy that you stopped in and took the time to leave me a comment!