
Saturday 11 August 2012

Home again home again jiggity jig + Zakka

Ahhhh...home.  As exciting as it is getting ready to go on holiday, coming home is always the best feeling!!  I'm frantically trying to catch up with bee blocks, swap projects, blog-reading and answering all your lovely comments about Jax on the plaid quilt.  You can still go vote for him [he's #60 in the Dog on Quilt category over at Lily Pad Quilting! You just vote in the comment section]. VOTING CLOSED

The highlight of our 13 night cruise holiday was Florence.  My mother travelled to Europe after university and before getting married (I think in about 1969 or 1970).  I recall her telling me that she shopped for a gold bracelet by candlelight, and there were shops on a bridge.  My memory holds no other details because it was probably 20+ years ago that she told me about it, but as soon as I saw this bridge I was positive that this was the place where she had been!  I wish she had kept a travel journal - I could have checked the details.  I got all choked up thinking that this was a place she had once been and here I was seeing it in real life :)  She didn't feel so far away all of a sudden...

Another highlight was eating a macaroon in Cannes.  O--M--G this was the most divine taste experience/sensation that I have EVER had in my life!  Up to then, I had only ever tried one of these macaroon thingys and it was a UK shop-bought one.  I didn't think it was all that special.  I've seen them made on the tv cooking programs and again thought 'nothing special'.  So when I discovered this little shop FULL of them looking so very tempting, I decided to try two -- a 66% chocolate one and a butter-caramel one (my English translation of the French label). 

And I was not disappointed!  They were pricey but-oh-so-worth-it!!  They cost 3.79 Euros for the two [sold by weight - and they were only small] so I was thinking 'boy I hope these are good'.  The chocolate one was ok.  Nothing to go rushing back for.  I even shared the rest of it with Mr Crafty Shenanigans!  But when I bit into the butter-caramel one I immediately thought 'I should go buy a dozen more'... but then I remembered the cost!   

Bad photo [I have a lopsided my-mouth-is-full grin on] but here I am pausing just long enough to have photographic evidence of the experience!  I'd fly go back to Cannes just for more of these!!!  Confession - I did go back for one more which I took back to the cabin and ate very slowly...  Yum!

Coming home from holiday meant I got to see my wee Jax too - he's been at a dog-sitter for 2 weeks and he was so happy to see us!!  And then today I collected Mr Toyota from the sewing machine doctor/spa and he is sewing like a dream!  Hardly a noise out of him - he obviously needed the holiday as well!  He got a tune-up, a polish and was dusted and oiled too!  Lucky machine :)

And this is what I made - the Zakka Sugar Cookie Sack.  I did the embroidery last week by the pool so all I had to do this morning was sew it together.  Once I finish the second bit of embroidery I will make another.

With that completed, I am now off to sew some bee blocks and then hopefully teach myself/learn a new technique so I can finish my Brit Quilt 3 mini quilt for the swap.  Wish me luck!!  It is so nice to be home and back on-line properly and have a long list of things to do :)

I shall be linking up to:


  1. Sounds like you had a lovely holiday! We went to Florence last year, and spend ages looking in all the beautiful shops. I love the cookie sack too, brilliant idea!

  2. It looks like you had a fabulous holiday! My BF is French and we go to Cannes a lot - I've actually been to that macaron store. You chose well, he's a macaron rock star in France. The caramel ones are awesome :) If you're ever in Paris, however, check out La Duree macarons. They're even better, if such a thing is possible!

  3. sounds like a fab trip! Welcome home :-D

  4. Mmmmmmm those macaroons look nice! How much would a cookie sack of macaroons cost I wonder? Glad you had a nice trip x

  5. Welcome home! Looking forward to hearing about the holiday next week. :-)

  6. Welocme home - love the embroidery xx

  7. Welcome home love - glad you had a great trip.

  8. welcome home!!

  9. Glad to see you had such a great trip. I love the colours of macaroons, but to me they will always taste awful!
    Awesome job on the Zakka project =D

  10. Sounds like you had a wonderful holiday, I would love to go to Florence! How lovely that it's such a special place for you. Those macaroons sound divine. And I am loving the treats bag, so cute! x

  11. Welcome back again Amy. Venice is awesome; we went there for a new years eve and the whole city stood under water.

  12. Aaaaaaaah ... the Ponte Vecchio. My favourite.

  13. Wonderful post - I almost felt like I went with you! And I love your embroidered label :)

  14. Your label looks great!

    How lovely to find yourself following in your mum's footsteps.

  15. You make the cutest things! Thanks for linking up to QED!


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