
Monday 9 July 2012


Over on Amy's Creative Side I challenged myself to complete a purse so that I could enter it into the amazing Purse Palooza on Sew Sweetness by the 11th of July.

Did I meet my goal?

YES!  I completed my first ever frame purse the other night!!  With thanks to U-Handbag, I learned how to make my very own frame purse!  They included some great instructions and wah-la, about an hour and a half later I had this little sweet thing:

My corners matched perfectly - yay!

Some fruit and trees ARE the right side up - I promise!
Isn't it cute!?  I love the blue gingham on the inside - so picnic-y!!  Feels good to get something off my 'to-make-one-day' list and learn a new technique while I'm at it!  I used the Gutermann glue for the first time and didn't make a mess = miracle!  I felt high afterwards though - or was it giddy elation for making something so darn cute!? ;)

So, I'll be linking this up over at Amy's Creative Side [anyone else notice how many "Amy's" there are out there in blogland??!!].  Also linked to Sew Happy Geek's Manic Monday

See you soon!


  1. loads of Amys! (but you are my favourite)

  2. Your purse is adorable!! Nice work!

  3. Love your purse Amy! Really like the blue gingham lining too. Very Dorothy / Wizard of Oz!

  4. Like the purse. The fabric is lovely. Di x

  5. It's yummy, that fabric is gorgeous, great lining too.

  6. Gorgeous purse! Great job =D

  7. your pouch is adorable! yay for learning something new! :)

  8. that purse is too cute :)

  9. Cute! I so want to make one of these but 3d objects scare me. I can handle quilts but a purse? I love everything about yours though!

  10. What a sweet purse... I'd love to have a go at making one of those but the process of getting he fabric into the frame gives me the hibigibies :-)


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