
Monday 2 July 2012

2nd quarter FAL second finish

In April I joined the 2nd Quarter Finish-Along at Quilter in the Gap! I said I would aim to complete three unfinished [and long-overdue to be finished] projects.  Press here for my original post with my goals listed.

I was quick out of the gates in April and completed the first of three projects by the end of the month - my Figgy Pudding table topper. I say 'quick' out of the gates but it was only 5 months late for the Christmas holiday! hahaha or is it hohoho!?  Press here for the original post. 

Then I didn't even touch project number two until the middle of June...ok, the end of June!  I even had to make a special trip into London to get more grey fabric to finish the binding!  Now I can say that I finally completed my second goal a mere 63 minutes ago!  WOOHOO!  I'm feeling good - and can't wait for tomorrow to take a proper photo of it in daylight!

Bad indoor photo - I will swap it for a better photo tomorrow!

Armed only with a fabulous tutorial and some tweeted encouragement from Jenna, I attempted machine binding.  And look at how it turned out!  For my very first attempt I'd say that was pretty darn great!  Yay - thank you Jenna [Sew Happy Geek] for your help!!

For my quilting I went with straight lines in each sash and then within each 9x9 block I did a small wonky square outline - simply to hold to wadding in place and to give the quilt a wee bit of funky-ness.  I went wonky because of the wonky log cabin on the back.  It took me three days to come up with that idea and I love the effect.  Once I wash the quilt it will be better (all puckery and yummy)! 

By completing this quilt it means 2 out of 3 goals are done!  I can't beat myself up to much for not finishing the third because over the past three months I got lots of other projects completed, including another two quilts and two quilt tops.  Lots of new projects were started, some (but not all) were completed...  Guess that means I'll be linking up to the 3rd Quarter!!

Linking to the fabulous:
Manic Monday linky party and
July Finishes
July Finishes


  1. Congratulations on the finish!! It's an awesome quilt! Love the neutral tones =D

  2. Fab finishes. Love the way you pieced the backing.

  3. You have done well to finish these. I do like the background colour as it makes the blocks (and quilting) stand out. Di x

  4. hoooray!!!! Nice job on the binding! I hope you're bringing it next week for show and tell :-D

  5. Oh it looks great! :) That binding looks fabulous too!!

  6. I like your little wonky block. I still find I have to do my binding my hand. I sometimes get my mom to do it. Maybe some day I will try by machine both sides.

  7. Wow! Your machine binding is really amazing! Nicely done! I love your fabrics and the bit of wonky quilting in each one and the wonky block on the back is just perfect! What a great quilt! Thank you for linking up!

    xo -E

  8. Don't you just love to machine bind? It's soo much easier and faster, in my opinion! I love that quilt too!

  9. OMG your binding looks TOTALLY professional! I can't believe it was your first time! That's so awesome dude!!! :)

  10. I'm a hand binder. I think it's faster!
    Love the quilt!

  11. Your machine binding looks fantastic! Loving that quilt, it looks gorgeous :o)


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