
Thursday 28 June 2012

TNT twit

Happy Thursday and TNT to you!  That's Try New Things - which I have!!

Today I signed up to Twitter and tweeted for the first time!  I've made one tweet, therefore I have become a tweeter, or perhaps a twit?  Whatever they call people who tweet, I am there and you can follow me!!!  I believe I am called "amycansew".  I CAN sew, yes I can, but the ID name I really wanted was long taken so I am lucky to have that ID name!!  Not ideal but that's ok by me!  Here is a link - possibly to me if I do this correctly [I am very very new to this world of twitty tweeting stuff so bear with me as I fudge my way through it all!]: 

So that is what I tried today.  Proud of myself - it means I will might be able to follow the Fat Quarterly gang tonight!  Here is what Lynne of Lily's Quilts blogged today which was what prompted such crazy behaviour from me to become a Twitter member [I am not 'up' on technology so this is a huge thing for me to be doing!!]:
Tonight and every Thursday from 9pm to 10pm, come and join the Fat Quarterly gang for a twitter chat about life, quilting, the universe and everything! Tweet it for us and spread the word.  #fqchat


  1. I am trying - it looks like I can tweet but I'm not sure if I'll be able to keep up if there is a flurry of multiple tweeting!

  2. Yippee for signing up for twitter.

  3. Yay I did it! I somehow managed to get to the tweetchat area and I followed along, sort of!! Yay for trying new things. I'm not a 'twit' afterall!

  4. I don't think I can bring myself to sign up with twitter...I rarely even use Facebook anymore! =D

  5. I'm not going there.....I don't have enough time as it is! I'm sure that you will have fun though! Di x

  6. i like your fabrics. where do you find them? i haven't gone near twitter yet - can't quite bring myself to sign up to another time-waster. but soon i'll probably cave in to the pressure because i'll feel like i'm missing out :) Becca

  7. I'm not on twitter. I can barely keep up with everything as it is with Facebook, Pinterest, Flickr, and many many blogs. Hurray for you though. Starting an new thing is always fun. I like the peak of the block at the top, it's so fun!

  8. Welcome to twitter! I think I'm the most sporadic tweeter ever... but I found you :o)

  9. have fun tweeting, I'm avoiding it, or I'll never get anything done! ;-)


Yay and thank you for leaving me a comment!! I may not be able to reply back to each one but please know that I am very happy that you stopped in and took the time to leave me a comment!